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Audit of a Costa Rica company. Financial reporting, accounting, consulting for firm in Costa Rica

Costa Rica is a state located in Central America. A tax haven between Panama and Nicaragua. From a tax point of view, this offshore jurisdiction is extremely attractive, as citizens and companies are taxed here on a territorial basis.

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Service packages Legislation Tax System Audit Services
Preparation and submission of accounts
from 100-400 USD per hour
Preparation and submission of accounts, audit
from 100-400 USD per hour

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General information

The most common forms of company incorporation in Costa Rica are

  • Limited liability company (Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada);
  • Joint stock company (Sociedad Anónima).

Financial statements are not filed with open or closed registers.

However, in connection with the latest changes in tax legislation, keeping accounting records and making financial statements become compulsory for all companies incorporated in Costa Rica, including those that do not conduct business in Costa Rica.

Tax accounts

The main law is the Income Tax Law #7092 (Ley del Impuesto sobre la Renta) as amended and the Regulation of the Income Tax Law N 43198-H (Reglamento de la Ley del Impuesto sobre la Renta).

The territorial tax principle applies in Costa Rica, i.e. income received and generated outside Costa Rica is not taxable. In Law #7092, companies incorporated in Costa Rica that do not receive income inside Costa Rica or income from sources in Costa Rica or considered as such are marked as “non-active” (article 2a of Law 7092 and article 7 of Regulation 43198-H). Hence, other incorporated companies are “active”.

The standard tax period is a calendar year. In cases when it is justified, the tax authority can make changes to the reporting period of a company.

Since 2020 all companies, active and non-active, must file a tax return according to form D-101 with confirming documents enclosed, including financial statements. For non-active companies that do not receive income from sources in Costa Rica, there is a simplified procedure of filing a tax return; namely, only financial figures (assets and liabilities) of the reporting period must be filled out.

A tax return must be filed within 2 months and 15 days after the reporting date, i.e. by 15 March of the following year.

Audit of accounts

There are no criteria for compulsory audit of financial statements in Costa Rica, except regarding regulated companies.

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