Let’s get acquainted!
You are our regular or potential client, a journalist or our future employee, foreign banker or Russian lawyer, or just a net surfer floating down the waves of the web and getting here by chance. Nice to meet you, whoever you are! And for me, to get acquainted means to tell you about our company.
So, our main area of practice lies in one of the most difficult, and thus interesting, fields of juridical science – at the joint of law, taxation and corporate finance. We generalize and analyze legislation and judicial practice of more than 50 countries and offer to our clients legal solutions in context of Russian tax system. Our specialization in fields such as tax or corporate law, international private and financial law, along with experience in auditing and comprehensive arbitrage practice allows us to keep the leading position in our sector of market, rendering services to big and the biggest clients in Russia and abroad.
However, I would rather call the above common phrases a tribute to “traditions of commercial intercourse”. The essence of GSL is Idea. The Idea of responsibility for completeness of knowledge base, for accuracy in processing and prompt execution, for safety and confidentiality, for every action, word or thought. This Idea is guiding us through business and life: some of us for one, five, and others for ten and twenty years. We do not trade administrative resources; do not kick doors open; do not boast of contacts. But we search all over the country (as well as abroad) for hard workers with faith in themselves and in the idea of responsibility and collective creativity, and we grow and move forward together with them.
P.S. Also, GSL is a Journey. Expedition to Cambodia or Costa-Rica, Tibet or Peru for some of us, hunting in Africa or fishing in Alaska for the others. Some may choose street-parade in Zurich or Caribbean festival in Notting Hill, while others prefer Christmas Berlin or Paris in May. And for all of us there are business trips and trainings, international conferences and seminars, study and corporate events in various places all over the world: near and far, familiar and unexplored, comfortable and dangerous, but at all accounts staying in memory and also as a magnet on our Travel Board.

Managing Partner of GSL Law & Consulting
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