GSL / All offers / Incorporation of a BVI company: private company limited by shares with a Virtual Assets Services Provider (VASP) Licence.

Incorporation of a BVI company: private company limited by shares with a Virtual Assets Services Provider (VASP) Licence. Service offer

Main advantages of setting up a business in the BVI. Budget for establishment of a BVI company with a VASP licence. Timeframe for establishment of a BVI company. Incorporation. Obtaining a licence for the company’s crypto activities. Structure of a company with a VASP licence. Further administration of the company. Cost of services.

Main advantages of setting up a business in the BVI

One of the classic jurisdictions for international business;

No taxation for offshore companies;

English law jurisdiction; possibility to enter into agreements with investors in accordance with the law of England and Wales;

Possibility of remote company incorporation and maintenance; fast registration and convenient company administration;

Crypto-friendly jurisdiction: possibility to conduct all types of crypto activities; established procedure for obtaining a VASP licence for regulated activities.

Budget for establishment of a BVI company with a VASP licence

Cost (USD)
Total cost of incorporation of the company and the first year of its maintenance
2 090
Compliance fee
from 350
Preparing and submitting an application for a VASP licence (excluding state fees)
from 15 000
Local Authorized Representative services for a company with a VASP licence
from 5 000 / year
from 22 440

Timeframe for establishment of a BVI company

Company incorporation – 2 working days.

Regulator's review of the application for VASP licence – 6-8 months.


Steps to be taken for registration of a British Virgin Islands (BVI) company:

1) Determination of basic company details:

  • company name to be checked for uniqueness (2-3 options in order of priority):
    • must not be identical or similar to the name of an existing company;
    • must not indicate His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom or a member of the Royal Family, or a connection with His Majesty's Government or a department thereof, or other municipal or local authorities;
    • if the company does not have an appropriate licence, its name must not include the following words, their derivatives or foreign language equivalents: arbitrage, assurance, banc, bancorp, bank, banque, bourse, broker, building society, bureau, casino, change, chartered, co-operative, credit, currency, exchange, fiduciary, fund, imperial, insurance, life, loan, lottery, municipal, mutual, mutual fund, provident, reinsurance, risk, royal, saving(s), trust, trustee company, university;
    • must include an indication of the legal form of the company; for a limited liability company, the words Limited, Corporation, Incorporation or Incorporated, Societe Anonyme, Sociedad Anonima, Gesellschaft mit beschrankter Haftung or the abbreviations Corp., Ltd., Inc., S.A. or GmbH may be used;
  • company structure (directors, shareholder and beneficiary);
  • amount of the authorized capital and distribution of shares between the members;
  • the company's activities and the regions in which it operates.

2) Sending the documents and information pertaining to the directors / shareholders / attorneys:

  • documents confirming the identity of the director, shareholder and beneficiary of the future company;
  • documents confirming the place of residence of the director, shareholder and beneficiary of the future company;
  • information on the source of funds of the beneficiary of the future company;
  • information on employment of the director, shareholder and beneficiary of the future company; if applicable, also the name of the employer and the position.
Please note that the registered agent has the right to request any other documents and information.

3) Payment for company registration services.

4) Company Registration.

Procedure of registration of a company takes 2 working days from the moment of submission of all necessary information and documents specified in cl. 1 and 2.

5) Signing of the company's incorporation documents, as well as KYC forms of the company's registered agent.

6) Receipt of apostilled constituent documents of the company.

Following the registration of a BVI company, an apostilled set of the company's constituent documents will be prepared.

Obtaining a licence for the company’s crypto activities

The BVI regulator allows the activities of companies related to cryptocurrencies. Many of these activities can be conducted by the company without obtaining additional permits, but in some cases a special licence will be required.

The activities of licensed virtual assets service providers are regulated by the Virtual Assets Service Providers Act, 2022. Pursuant to that Act, a virtual asset is a digital expression of value that may be sold or transferred digitally and may be used for payment or investment purposes.

A Vitrual Asset Service Provider (VASP) is a company that provides services concerning the virtual assets described above as a business. The Act requires a VASP to be licensed to conduct the following activities with virtual assets:

  • exchange between virtual assets and fiat currencies;
  • exchange between one or more forms of virtual assets;
  • transfer of virtual assets, where the transfer relates to conducting a transaction on behalf of another person that moves a virtual asset from one virtual asset address or account to another;
  • safekeeping or administration of virtual assets or instruments enabling control over virtual assets;
  • participation in, and provision of, financial services related to an issuer’s offer or sale of virtual assets.

Depending on the activities, the Regulator issues 3 types of licences for VASPs:

  1. for the provision of crypto-wallet hosting, custody or control of virtual assets, wallet or private key;
  2. for the provision of services of exchange of virtual assets for fiat currencies and other cryptocurrency assets;
  3. for the provision of all other services mentioned above.

If the company's activities fall under the said descriptions, the company will need to obtain a VASP licence to conduct them. The procedure for obtaining a licence is as follows:

0. Obtaining a legal opinion from BVI lawyers on the need for the company to obtain a licence.

Before starting work on obtaining a VASP licence, it is necessary to obtain a legal opinion, which will allow to determine exactly what type (or types) of VASP licence the company's activities fall under, as well as to prepare the necessary materials for further application.

1. Appointment of necessary officers in the company.

2. Submission of an application for a VASP licence.

The application may be submitted either by the lawyers who will be preparing the legal opinion at stage 0 or by the future authorized representative of the company.

The application consists of a set of signed forms, company policies (concerning risk management, AML/FT, data protection and cybersecurity, client funds and related party transactions), a business plan, and a set of documents on the company, its officers and planned activities.

3. Obtaining a licence.

The Regulator's review of the licence application may take 6-8 months.

The Regulator charges a fee for review of the licence application, the amount of which depends on the type of licence for which the company is applying:

Licence type
Fee (USD)
Crypto wallet hosting, custody or control of virtual assets, wallet or private key services
10 000
Services of exchange of virtual assets for fiat currencies and other cryptocurrency assets
10 000
All other licensed services regarding virtual assets
5 000

You may see the current list of VASP licences issued and authorized representatives of such VASPs at the Regulator's web-site.

Please note that even if a company has a VASP licence in the BVI, it may also need a licence to carry out some crypto activities in the jurisdictions where the company's clients or counterparties are located and from which the company is managed. GSL specialists will be glad to assist you in determining whether you need to obtain a licence in one or another jurisdiction depending on your company's planned activities.

Structure of a company with a VASP licence

The requirements for the company structure, its officers and the amount of the authorized capital will largely depend on the type of VASP licence applied for and the company's activity. The requirements for each specific company are set individually by the Regulator. However, in general terms they can be formulated as follows.


Only an individual may act as a director.

The minimum number of directors is 2.

There are no general requirements for citizenship and residency of directors. However, at least one director must always be a resident of the BVI.

All directors must be approved by the Regulator prior to their appointment. All directors must be fit and proper to hold their position.

Shareholders and beneficiaries

A shareholder may be either an individual or a legal entity.

The ultimate beneficiary may only be an individual.

There are no citizenship and residency requirements for shareholders and beneficiaries.

The minimum number of shareholders and beneficiaries is 1.

Shareholders and beneficiaries must be fit and proper for conducting VASP business.

Change of the company’s beneficiary must be pre-approved by the Regulator.

Authorized capital and working capital reserves of the company

There are no specific requirements for the authorized capital of a company. However, the Regulator will require that the company's capital is adequate to the nature, scope and complexity of the VASP's activities. The Regulator will primarily analyze the following indicators of the applicant:

  • Anticipated monthly transaction volumes;
  • The ability of the service's clients to use leverage;
  • The company's custody of client assets;
  • Liquidity of the company's assets;
  • Technological risk inherent in the company's operations.

As a reference point for the amount of authorized capital and working capital reserve the Regulator will most likely rely on similar requirements for securities brokers and stock exchanges (with similar activity of VASP).

IMPORTANT: The authorized capital must be paid up in full.

Compliance Officer

Like all licensed financial service providers in the BVI, VASPs are required to have a compliance officer.

The compliance officer must be a resident of the BVI.


When applying for a VASP licence, the applicant must provide the Regulator with the details of an independent auditor. This should be a person with appropriate qualifications and experience in dealing with virtual assets.

The auditor must be licensed in the BVI and approved by the Regulator.

Registered Agent

Like all BVI companies, VASPs are required to have a regular registered agent. There are no special requirements for the registered agent of a VASP company.

Authorized representative for the purposes of the VASP Act

In addition to a registered agent, all VASPs shall, at all times, also have an authorized representative – a company that has a licence for the purposes of the VASP Act.

The authorized representative shall act as the main link between the company and the Regulator.

Further administration of the company

Annual company renewal

BVI companies are required to pay annual government fees to keep the company in good standing, as well as to pay for the registered agent’s services (and registered office) for the following year. The annual renewal date is:

  • 31st of May - for companies incorporated in the first half of the year;
  • 30th of November - for companies registered in the second half of the year.

Economic Substance Report

Companies are also required to file an annual report on their compliance with the BVI economic substance laws. Under the Economic Substance (Companies and Limited Partnerships) Act, 2017, companies carrying on the following types of business are required to have economic substance in the BVI (office, employees and expenses adequate to the company's business):

  • holding activities;
  • distribution and service activities;
  • banking;
  • insurance;
  • fund management;
  • finance and leasing;
  • activities as a parent company of a group of companies;
  • shipping activity;
  • intellectual property ownership.

Specific economic substance requirements will vary depending on the type of activity listed above, but all companies are required to file an annual report within 6 months of the end of the reporting period (companies generally set the 29th of June as the period end date).

Audited financial statements

Each year all BVI companies shall prepare and submit an annual financial report to their registered agent. Companies holding a VASP licence shall prepare annual financial statements (in accordance with IFRS standards) and have them audited. The company is obliged to prepare and submit the financial statements to the Regulator within 6 months after the end of the financial year (the company may apply to the Regulator for extension of the period of preparation and submission of the financial statements for up to another 6 months).

Requests from the Regulator

From time to time, the Regulator may send written requests to a VASP company for information about one or another aspect of the company's activities. In such a case, the company will be obliged to provide the Regulator with a timely response.

Cost of services[1]

Cost (in USD)


Total cost of incorporation (including government fee and registered agent fees for the first year of the company's existence, preparation and delivery of original incorporation documents and apostilled copy of such documents, share issue documents, and corporate seal

The cost does not include the Compliance fee, filing of data into BOSS system and delivery of documents - to be paid additionally.

2 090

Further annual renewal (starting from the second year)

Government fee + registered agent fee (including registered address)

The cost does not include the Compliance fee and delivery of documents – to be paid additionally.

1 795

Obtaining a VASP licence

Obtaining a legal opinion on the company's activities in terms of VASP regulation
from 3 000
Preparation and submission of an application for a VASP licence

The cost does not include the government fee for the Regulator's review of the application for a VASP licence – to be paid additionally.

from 15 000
Local Authorized Representative services for a company with a VASP licence
from 5 000 / year
Drafting a business plan, AML/CFT and KYC policies of the company, policies on handling personal data of clients and client funds, as well as other necessary documents on the company's activities
300 / hour
(no less than 1 500 per document)

Additional services

Certificate of Good Standing
465 (original)
870 (apostilled original)
Certificate of Incumbency
320 (original)
870 (apostilled original)
Certificate of exemption from registration with the tax authorities[2]
Copy of the Certificate of Incorporation certified by the company's registered agent
Copy of Articles of Association and Memorandum of Association certified by the company's registered agent
Copies of other corporate documents certified by the company's registered agent (per 1 document)
Notarization and apostilling of a document (in BVI)
Additional apostilled set of constituent documents
Filing of the company's register of directors with the Registrar
Filing the information on beneficiaries and company status, as well as changes in the above information in the BOSS system
Change of the company’s name (including preparation of documents and receipt of the original certificate of change of name)
1 310
Making amendments to the Company's Articles of Association
from 1 410
Preparation of documents for change of director / shareholder / beneficiary (not including Compliance fee and filing of the register of directors with the Registrar or updating the data in the BOSS system)
Forwarding documents from the BVI by courier mail
Postal services (for 12 months)[3]
from 880

Compliance fee

Compliance fee
Paid in case of:
· incorporation of a company;
· company’s renewal;· company’s liquidation;· transfer to another agent;
· issue of a power of attorney for a new attorney;
· change of director / shareholder / beneficial owner, except for a change to a nominee director / shareholder;
· signing of documents.
350 (rate for high-risk companies, includes the check of 1 individual)
+ 150 for each additional individual (director, shareholder or beneficiary) or legal entity (director or shareholder) if such legal entity is administered by GSL
+ 200 for each additional legal entity (director or shareholder) if such legal entity is not administered by GSL
100 (signing of documents)

[1] The cost of services is valid as of February 2025.

[2] To prepare a tax certificate, it is also necessary to order an original Certificate of Good Standing (without apostille).

[3] With provision of a postal address in Hong Kong.

Are you interested in the offer?
from USD 22 440
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