GSL / All offers / Incorporation of Limited Liability Company (“Εταιρία Περιορισμένης Ευθύνης” / EPE) in Greece.

Incorporation of Limited Liability Company (“Εταιρία Περιορισμένης Ευθύνης” / EPE) in Greece. Service offer

The most common structure is Limited Liability Company (EPE) in Greece.

Company incorporation in Greece. Basic information

The incorporation of a is Limited Liability Company takes 2 to 3 weeks (depends on the current workload of the Greek authorities).

A Limited Liability Company must have at least one director, a legal entity or an individual, wherever resident or registered. The shareholders of a private company can be individuals or legal entities, wherever domiciled / registered or resident.

There are no requirements for minimum share capital (at least 1 Euro would suffice). The contribution to capital can be formed in cash or in kind.

The company is subject to a Greek corporate income tax rate of 22%, and 5% dividend withholding tax for both residents and nonresidents.

As a member of the European Union (EU), Greece complies with the accounting, audit and financial reporting requirements set out in EU decrees and directives incorporated into national laws and decrees.

Financial statements must be audited if compulsory audit criteria are exceeded and must be sent to the registry of public limited companies and published in an official government magazine.

The company incorporation procedure, step by step

1) You need to select:

  • company name to be checked for its availability (the name must include “Εταιρία Περιορισμένης Ευθύνης” or the acronym “Ε.Π.Ε.”, or “Limited Liability Company” or the acronym as “L.L.C” / “LTD”; for single member company the name should include “Μονοπρόσωπη Εταιρεία Περιορισμένης Ευθύνης” / “Μονοπρόσωπη Ε.Π.Ε.” or Single Member Limited Liability Company” / “Single Member L.L.C.” / “Single Member LTD”);
  • company structure (director, shareholder, beneficial owner);
  • share capital;
  • company’s objects (activities).

2) Payment of fees.

3) Drafting and preparation of a Power of Attorney for the Company's Shareholder(s) & Administrator(s) to allow remote company registration.

4) The following documentation must be provided:

  • copies of passports for director, shareholder, beneficial owner and attorney (if a power of attorney is required);
  • if the director or shareholder is a legal entity, then a full set of constitutive documents is required;
  • for companies older than 1 year a certificate of good standing (or its equivalent) is also required;
  • the documents for the corporate shareholder must disclose the ownership structure right down to the ultimate beneficial owner.

For each company, a client information form is completed and signed with the beneficial owner.

5) Name check in The Registry Department of the Athens Chamber of Commerce & Industry (ACCI).

6) Choosing of Business Address. It is essential to have a physical office in Greece where all communication and notices are sent to register a corporation. The Greek Companies Registry completes the formalities related to the registered office address in Greece.

7) Prepare and submit the documents with the Register of the competent Department of ACCI (General Commercial Register – GEMI). The full list of documents will be provided after step 2.

8) Make a seal of the Company.

9) Register the employees with IKA (Social Security Organization).

10) Register with OAEE (Insurance Organization for the Self-Employed).

Fees for basic services

Fees (EUR, without VAT)[1]
Total cost of incorporation, including preparation and provision of original constitutive documents of the company and apostilled copies of such documents, share issue documents, and common seal, but not including compliance fee
4 950
Account opening assistance with local bank[2]
3 500
Preparation and submission of BO Declaration (to the Beneficial Ownership Platform)
Tax identification number for shareholder, per person
Director / Shareholder’s Tax representation, per person
Registration of director and (if required) shareholder with the National Insurance Organization, per person
Lease agreement & Domiciliation, per year
1 640
Secretarial services (receiving correspondence, preparing annual minutes of meetings), per year
Preparation of employment contracts, per person
Compliance fee

Payable in the cases of:
- incorporation of a company,
- renewal of a company,
- liquidation of a company,
- transfer out of a company,
- issue of a power of attorney to a new attorney,
- change of director / shareholder / beneficial owner, except the change to a nominee director / shareholder,
- signing of documents.

350 (standard rate, includes the check of 1 individual)
+150 for each additional individual (director, shareholder, or beneficial owner) or legal entity (director or shareholder) if such legal entity is administered by GSL
+200 for each additional legal entity (director or shareholder) if such legal entity is not administered by GSL
450 (rate for high-risk companies, includes the check of 1 individual)
100 (signing of documents)

[1] The fees are valid as of July 2024.

[2] Provision of this service is currently subject to limitations and depend on the company’s profile.

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from EUR 5 300
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