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Obtaining a residence permit in Bahrain. Service offer

Migration rules of Bahrain provide for obtaining a residence permit (RP).

Bahrain offers a few options to obtain a residence permit:
• entering into an employment contract with a company (work visa);
• purchasing / incorporating a local company (investor’s visa);
• purchasing real estate and other grounds (golden visa).

Main advantages of obtaining resident visas in Bahrain

Possibility to reside in Bahrain

Possibility to obtain the status of tax resident in the country of residence (while meeting additional conditions)

Possibility to open personal accounts with banks of Bahrain

Possibility to rent a dwelling, obtain a driver’s license and use cell carriers’ services

Work visa

Manager of a Bahrain company who is a foreign citizen must obtain a residence permit (Bahrain ID) within 3 months after their appointment to the position of manager.

To be able to employ workers, a local company must register in the online portal of the Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) and obtain the status of Visa Registered User. In order to get such a status, the company must provide the LMRA with a special application and a copy of the certificate of commercial registration containing its CR number.

When an employer company has the status of Visa Registered User, it can apply online for a visa for a new employee (work visa). Such an application must be accompanied by the result of medical examination of the employee and their employment contract. It is also important to understand that to obtain a work visa and Bahrain ID, the employee must have a place of residence in Bahrain.

An employee must:

  • undergo medical examination;
  • give biometric data (fingerprints);
  • take 2 photographs against blue background (like a passport photo);
  • prove that they have a place of residence in Bahrain.

An employee gets a Bahrain ID for a period of 1 to 2 years and may extend it thereafter.

Golden visa

On 7 February 2022, Bahrain introduced the Golden Residency Visa for wealthy foreigners that is issued for 10 years and may be extended. The holder of a visa can work in the country, enter and leave the country multiple times and obtain residence permits for close relatives.

The residence permit of golden visa holders will be renewed indefinitely once every 10 years provided that they continue to meet the qualification criteria, one of which is staying in the Kingdom during 90 days within any 12-month period.

A golden visa in Bahrain may be obtained on 4 grounds:

  1. Golden visa for professionals / qualified workers;
  2. Golden visa for real estate owners;
  3. Golden visa for retirees;
  4. Golden visa for special talents.

General requirements regarding documents for all applicants:

  1. Copy of a passport valid for at least 6 months;
  2. Copy of a bank statement for the last 6 months;
  3. Copy of a valid certificate of health insurance in the Kingdom of Bahrain;
  4. Proof of the previous place of residence (if any).

Golden visa for professionals / qualified workers

The applicant must be a resident of the Kingdom, have lived in the country 5 years and have a salary of at least 2 000 BHD (Bahrain dinars; ~ 5 300 USD) per month during the whole period of stay.

The following must be enclosed with the application for a golden visa of a qualified worker:

  1. Copy of a valid Bahrain ID;
  2. Copy of a document proving the basic salary of the applicant provided that it is not less than 2 000 BHD per month.

Golden visa for real estate owners

Purchasing real estate in Bahrain worth at least 200 000 BHD (~ 530 500 USD) is grounds for getting a visa.

The following documents must be provided to obtain a golden visa:

  1. Copy of a valid Bahrain ID and a copy of a previously issued residence permit (if any);
  2. Copy of a no-criminal-record certificate;
  3. Copy of a title document proving the value of the property provided that it is not less than 200 000 BHD (~ 530 500 USD);
  4. Copy of a medical report proving that the applicant has no infectious diseases (within 3 months of the date of filing the application).

Golden visa for retirees

A foreigner can be a candidate for a golden visa of retiree if they worked in the public or private sector 15 or more years and their average salary during the last 5 years of living in the country was not less than 2 000 BHD (~ 5 300 USD); the basic retirement income of the applicant must be at least 4 000 BHD (~ 10 600 USD).

The following documents will have to be provided:

  1. Copy of a valid Bahrain ID and a copy of a previously issued residence permit (if any);
  2. Copy of a no-criminal-record certificate;
  3. Copy of a document proving the retiree status and basic retirement income;
  4. Copy of a medical report proving that the applicant has no infectious diseases (within 3 months of the date of filing the application).

Golden visa for special talents

Candidates for a golden visa of talent must be recognized by the relevant state authority of Bahrain (including accredited business incubators) as persons having exclusive skills or gifts in different fields, including academics, business, science or sports.

To confirm the status, one must get admitted by the commission and prove qualifications with diplomas and certificates.

The following must be enclosed with the application:

  1. Copy of a no-criminal-record certificate;
  2. Document proving that the applicant is a talented person (for example, a scientist, sportsperson, entrepreneur, inventor, artist or award-winning author);
  3. Approval of an accredited business incubator in Bahrain (for entrepreneurs);
  4. Document proving an academic degree (for scientists);
  5. Document proving higher education in one of the priority specialties determined by the Higher Education Council of Bahrain (for scientists);
  6. Copy of a patent (only for patent holders);
  7. Copy of a medical report proving that the applicant has no infectious diseases (within 3 months of the date of filing the application).
We would be glad to help you obtain resident visas in Bahrain and assist in opening accounts with local banks. To get a consultation, please contact specialists of our company.

Cost of services[1]

Cost (USD)
Obtaining a visa and Residence Permit in Bahrain
(the expenses are stated for one work visa and Residence Permit), including:
- payment of all state fees (Work Visa, Bahrain ID);
- preparation, execution and approval by the LMRA of necessary documents;
- escort to the clinic to undergo medical examination;
- escort to the LMRA to give fingerprints;
- filing documents with the LMRA to obtain and stamp the visa;
- filing an application and obtaining a resident’s card;
- transport costs.
4 200
Renewal of a Bahrain ID (Residence Permit) based on an employment contract with a company
3 800
Assistance in opening corporate and personal bank accounts:
Services in:
- analysis of the structure of the company, its activity / business model / turnover OR information on sources of funds / residency / account balances of an individual in the case of opening a personal account;
- individual selection of banks – up to 3 options;
- preparation of banks’ descriptions stating the criteria of selection;
- preparation of description of further steps of the account opening procedure.
Services in:
- collection and analysis of corporate and other documents required to be provided to the chosen bank;
- preparation of a detailed application to open an account, including complete information on the company, its owners and counterparties;
- sending this application to one of the banks chosen by you;
- preparation of a detailed description of all further steps of the account opening procedure;
- preparation for the interview;
- escort to the in-person meeting with a banker (if necessary);
- interaction with the bank at ALL steps.
2 750

[1] The cost of services is effective as of July 2024.

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USD 4 200
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