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Obtaining a residence permit in Indonesia. Organization and support of the procedure. Service offer

Categories of residence permit (Kitas) in Indonesia and the main conditions for obtaining them. Procedure for obtaining a residence permit in Indonesia. Services for preparing and submitting a package of documents.

Categories of residence permit (Kitas) in Indonesia

Indonesia has 6 categories of the residence permit (Kitas):

Investor Kitas – valid for 2 years prior to renewal;

Main condition for obtaining[1]: Holding 15% shares (equivalent to IDR 1.5 billion in the share capital) in an Indonesian company.

Employee Kitas – valid for 1 year prior to renewal;

Main condition for obtaining: Official employment by an Indonesian company, payment of the government fee for a work permit for a foreign employee (USD 1 200 / year).

Family Kitas – valid for 2 years prior to renewal;

Main condition for obtaining: The spouse or a parent holds Kitas.

Student Kitas – valid for 6 months prior to renewal;

Main condition for obtaining: Studying in an accredited educational institution in Indonesia.

Retirement Kitas – valid for 2 years prior to renewal;

Main condition for obtaining: The applicant is over the age of 55, has a long-term lease agreement in Indonesia and is able to present proof of financial solvency (at least USD 3 000).

Freelancer Kitas – valid for 6 months prior to renewal.

Main condition for obtaining: The applicant is obliged to provide proof of knowledge of English, a reference letter from a customer / previous employer, health insurance for the duration of stay, and proof of financial solvency of at least USD 2 000.

Procedure for obtaining a residence permit (Kitas) in Indonesia

The procedure is as follows[2]:

  1. An electronic application is submitted.
  2. A document is sent for entering the territory of Indonesia.
  3. A date is set for a visit to the immigration office for biometrics and fingerprints.
  4. The application is processed by the head immigration office in Jakarta.
  5. A residence permit is issued in electronic form.
Our specialists will be happy to assist you with the preparation of documents and full support of your application for a residence permit.


Fees (USD)
Preparation and submission of a package of documents
3 500

[1] The complete list of required documents will be provided by a GSL consultant.

[2] This is a general description of the procedure. Specific stages may differ depending on the category of the residence permit.

[3] The fees are valid as of the July 2024.

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USD 3 500
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