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Obtaining a residence permit in Qatar. Service offer

Qatar provides for obtaining a residence permit. Holding a residence permit allows you to obtain an identification card – Qatar ID / QID (the main document in Qatar, which contains the most important information on the person).

Work visa

In Qatar a foreigner may obtain a Residence Permit if they are employed by a local company. It is also possible to become a permanent resident.

When incorporating a local company and appointing a foreign citizen manager of the company, the foreign citizen must obtain a residence permit and QID within 3 months after the incorporation of the company / the appointment to the position of manager.

To be allowed to employ foreign citizens, a company must obtain a special Computer Card. Obtaining such a card takes 5 workdays after all required documents have been filed.

The applicant, in turn, must apply for a business visa and after obtaining it must enter Qatar on that visa.

Then one proceeds to obtaining a work visa and residence permit. At this step of the process, the applicant must:

  • undergo medical examination;
  • give biometric data (fingerprints);
  • take 2 photographs against a blue background (like a passport photo);
  • install application Metrash2 to update the home address.
After this step the applicant is issued a Qatar ID for a period of 1 to 2 years, which may be extended.

Investor visa

In Qatar, a resident visa may be obtained based on real estate investments.

In particular, investing at least 728 000 QAR (~ 200 000 USD) makes it possible to obtain a temporary residence permit for a period of 1 year, which may be extended.

To obtain a golden visa for up to 5 years, the invested amount must be at least 3 650 000 QAR (~ 1 000 000 USD).

Talent and entrepreneur visa (Mustaqel Visa)

In February 2024, Qatar introduced a new immigration program for talented foreigners and entrepreneurs.

A visa for independent foreigners (Mustaqel Visa) is issued for a period of 5 years, which may be extended.

The grounds for filing an application as well as the list of documents can be divided into 2 categories:

talent visa;

entrepreneur visa.

Foreigners who have recognized achievements in the following areas may try to obtain a talent visa:

  • culture, art, entertainment, sports;
  • information technology and communications;
  • food service and hotel business;
  • agriculture and fishery;
  • wholesale and retail trade;
  • transportation and storage;
  • financial services and insurance;
  • management and consulting;
  • education;
  • healthcare and social services;
  • mining;
  • scientific research, development, innovation.

One will also have to prove they have a fob offer from a Qatari company or enough money to stay in Qatar for 3 months (at least 36 500 QAR).

To file an application, the candidate must prove their unique skills in the dedicated organization, Jusour.

After the approval, one needs to apply for a visa and enclose the following documents:

When applying from Qatar
When applying outside Qatar
1. passport + personal photo;
2. Qatari ID card;
3. police certificate / no-criminal-record certificate(s) from home country and countries of previous long-term residency (if different);
4. employment contract or no-objection certificate;
5. ID card of sponsor in Qatar or company establishment card;
6. proof of academic degree(s);
7. proof that language test has been passed (Arabic or English, at your discretion);
8. proof of work experience;
9. contract signed with hiring organization or employment offer letter from hiring organization;
10. personal bank account statement.
1. passport + personal photo;
2. police certificate / no-criminal-record certificate(s) from home country and countries of previous long-term residency (if different);
3. proof of academic degree(s);
4. proof that language test has been passed (Arabic or English, at your discretion);
5. proof of work experience;
6. contract signed with hiring organization or employment offer letter from hiring organization;
7. personal bank account statement.

To obtain an entrepreneur visa, a business project worth at least 250 000 QAR (~ 68 500 USD) will have to be implemented, and approval will have to be obtained from one of the Qatar’s accredited business incubators:

  • Qatar Science & Technology Park (QSTP);
  • Qatar University Business Incubation (QUBI);
  • Qatar Business Incubation Center (QBIC);
  • Digital Incubation Center (DIC);
  • Qatar Fintech Hub (QFH);
  • Media City;
  • Qatar Museum – M7.

After the approval, the following documents must be provided:

When applying from Qatar
When applying outside Qatar
1. passport + personal photo;
2. Qatari ID card;
3. police certificate / no-criminal-record certificate(s) from home country and countries of previous long-term residency (if different);
4. employment contract with employer in Qatar or no-objection certificate;
5. ID card of sponsor in Qatar or company establishment card;
6. personal bank account statement;
7. proof of support by business incubator.
1. passport + personal photo;
2. police certificate / no-criminal-record certificate(s) from home country and countries of previous long-term residency (if different);
3. personal bank account statement;
4. proof of support by business incubator.

Permanent residency in Qatar

Expatriates permanently residing in Qatar are given an opportunity to obtain the status of permanent resident (obtain permanent residency). For this purpose, they must meet 4 conditions:

  • speak fluent Arabic;
  • live in the country with absences not longer than 6 months:
    • during 10 years – for foreigners born in Qatar,
    • during 20 years – for foreigners born outside Qatar;
  • have income in Qatar earned legally and sufficient to live in the country – 20 000 to 30 000 QAR (~ 5 500 to 8 300 USD);
  • have no criminal records.
IMPORTANT: in the case of being absent from the country for over 6 months after applying for the status of permanent resident, the application may be cancelled.

The status of permanent resident of Qatar allows you to invest in economy sectors determined by resolution of the Council of Ministers without a Qatari partner provided that the company is established in accordance with provisions of the Commercial Companies Law.

We would be glad to help you obtain resident visas in Qatar and assist in opening accounts with local banks. To get a consultation, please contact specialists of our company.

Cost of services[1]

Cost (USD)
Obtaining a visa and Residence Permit in Qatar
(the expenses are stated for one work visa and Residence Permit), including:
- payment of all state fees (Work Visa, Qatar ID);
- preparation, execution and approval of necessary documents;
- escort to the clinic to undergo medical examination;
- escort to state authorities to give fingerprints and biometric data;
- filing documents to obtain and stamp the visa;
- filing an application and obtaining a resident’s card;
- transport costs.
4 200
Renewal of a Qatar ID
3 800
Assistance in opening corporate and personal bank accounts:
Services in:
- analysis of the structure of the company, its activity / business model / turnover OR information on sources of funds / residency / account balances of an individual in the case of opening a personal account;
- individual selection of banks – up to 3 options;
- preparation of banks’ descriptions stating the criteria of selection;
- preparation of description of further steps of the account opening procedure.
Services in:
- collection and analysis of corporate and other documents required to be provided to the chosen bank;
- preparation of a detailed application to open an account, including complete information on the company, its owners and counterparties;
- sending this application to one of the banks chosen by you;
- preparation of a detailed description of all further steps of the account opening procedure;
- preparation for the interview;
- escort to the in-person meeting with a banker (if necessary);
- interaction with the bank at ALL steps.
1 800

[1] The cost of services is effective as of June 2024.

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USD 4 200
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