Online account: portfolio
Online account: selling/buying cryptocurrency
Sophisticated cryptousers are aware how problematic fiat-to-crypto and crypto-to-fiat conversions are. The problem lies in the reluctance of the global banking system to make transfers to crypto exchanges.
In order to ensure a full-cycle crypto-to-fiat exchange experience, we help to open accounts in these financial institutions.
It is common knowledge that financial institutions refuse to onboard businesses that work with cryptocurrency. However, not all banks and EMIs have made this decision yet. For a full cycle of cryptocurrency transactions, we offer account opening at banks/EMIs that accept crypto transfers.
This, however, does not mean that the account opening process will be quick and easy. A business owner will have to:
Financial institution’s name
GSL’s fee (USD)
Bilderlings (UK)
2 750
Bank Frick & Co. AG (Liechtenstein)
3 500
LGT Bank AG (Austria)
3 500
Euram Bank AG (Austria)
3 500
Dixipay (UK)
2 750
UniversePay (Lithuania)
2 750
GSL’s fee for supporting the opening of a brokerage account is USD 3 500 (can be paid in bitcoin as well).
(documents will differ depending on the country of incorporation of the legal entity):
(directors / shareholders / beneficial owners / attorneys):