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Opening a Serbian Bank Account. Service offer

General information about the bank. Basic bank fees. Account opening – characteristics, stages, and documents. Fees.

General information about the bank

In April 2023, it was purchased by a Montenegrin bank from Expobank CZ;

The bank opens business and savings accounts, personal and corporate accounts;

An account will have an IBAN;

An account can be opened in the following currencies: EUR, TRY, BIN, RUB, CNY, and RSD;

No corporate accounts for offshore companies;

The bank does not accept transactions where the other party or its bank originates from an offshore jurisdiction, or Russia (except RUB and RSD transactions), or Ukraine (except where a transaction relates to food or involves well-known multinationals), or Belarus;

Preferable turnover for a corporate account – from EUR 1 000 000 per month;

No minimum balance of account required;

An account can be opened remotely;

Pre-approval can be applied for;

Account opening time – from 1 month.

Basic bank fees:

  • Account opening fee charged by the bank – EUR 2 500
  • Incoming payment fee – no charge
  • Outgoing payment fee – 0.3% (min. RSD 700, max. RSD 30 000)
  • Currency conversion fee – 4-5%
  • Account maintenance fee – no charge

Account opening – characteristics, stages, and documents

Stage 1 - pre-approval

At this stage, a set of documents is sent to the bank in electronic form, together with accompanying information about the company’s activities, economic results, and the proposed business structuring.

Corporate documents (standard list)*:

  1. Certificate of Incorporation;
  2. Memorandum and Articles of Association;
  3. Proof of the company’s active status (Certificate of Good Standing);
  4. Proof of the company’s structure (Certificate of Incumbency, extract from the public register, etc.).

The documents must not be older than 3 months (this requirement does not apply to constitutive documents, share certificates, or declarations of trust, which are issued once and are not re-issued with the current date).

If the structure includes other legal entities, a similar list of documents is requested for them.

*The list of documents is not exhaustive. The bank is not associated with us in any way and has the right to request any other documents and information. Depending on the jurisdiction of the company, the list of documents may differ from the one given above. Please contact a Consultant at GSL Law & Consulting for details.

Company’s business profile:

  1. KYC questionnaire, including a detailed description of the company’s activities, desired account currencies, structure of activity, the company’s economic results and expected incoming/outgoing payments;
  2. Agreements with potential counteragents and invoices under such agreements;
  3. Bank statements for the last 3 – 6 months.

Documents for individuals in the structure:

  1. Copy of passport;
  2. Copy of proof of residential address (bank statement or utility bill not older than 2 months).

Based on the provided information and scanned copies of documents, we put together and submit an application to the bank for pre-approval.

The time for obtaining pre-approval is 1 – 3 weeks on average (depending on the complexity of the case), during which time the bank requests additional information/documents.

Stage 2 – apostille of documents, signing of bank forms

Based on the information received at the pre-approval stage, we make a list of documents to be apostilled for account opening. The bank does not accept bound sets of documents; it requires each document to be apostilled separately (!), and the apostille must not be older than 3 months at the time when the documents are submitted.

Bank forms must be signed at this stage as well. All forms are signed by the director of the company; in the case of remote account opening, 3 of the forms must be notarized and apostilled:

  • Verified signature form;
  • Statement for non-using of stamp – if a company does not use a seal;
  • Power of Attorney.

A complete set of original documents must be sent to the bank and translated into Serbo-Croatian. The translation is done in Serbia by a translator licensed under Serbian law. The cost of translation is from EUR 375, payable to the bank directly along with the account opening fee (+5% VAT as the invoice is issued on behalf of the bank’s Dubai branch).

Stage 3 – account opening

After all documents are delivered to the bank in Serbia, the application moves to the final stage. The account opening time (after the bank receives all documents) is about 7 working days.


Stage 1 – services of:
== collecting and analysing corporate and other documents required to be submitted to the bank;
== putting together a detailed application for pre-approval, including full information about the company, its activities, owners, and counteragents;
== sending this application to the bank for approval;
== dealing with additional queries;
== drawing up a roadmap and a detailed description of all further steps in the account opening procedure.
USD 1 000
Stage 2 – services that include:
== advising on the preparation of a package of apostilled documents[2];
== preparing bank forms and advising on their signing;
== sending a package of documents to the bank;
== interacting with the bank at all stages of the account opening procedure.
USD 2 000
Stage 3 – payment of the remainder of the full fee when submitting a complete set of documents to the bank.
USD 800
Success fee
An additional success fee is charged if the account is opened faster than the average standard procedure time, which is 2 months
+10% to the fee for the service
Translation of a set of documents into Serbo-Croatian by a licensed Serbian translator
from EUR 375
Supporting an account opening for companies not administered by us
You can also contact our consultants to discuss the possibility of transferring companies under our administration and thus reducing the cost of the service.
+20% to the standard fee for the service
Supporting a complex account opening case:
1. Activity-wise:
- licensed activities (investment fund, crypto, fintech, tobacco/alcohol/pharma production, precious metals, etc.);
- trading complicated by the type of goods (raw materials/dual-use goods/medical goods);
- payment service provider activity;
- state-owned counterparties;
- high-risk regions from the FATF list.

2. Structure-wise:
- number of shareholders – more than 3 individuals or more than 2 legal entities in the company structure;
- non-transparent ownership structure, which includes: public companies/trusts/funds.

+USD 450 to the basic fee for the service
Follow-up support for the operation of the account:
- assistance with installing and setting online banking;
- assistance in establishing interaction with bank representatives (a relationship manager where applicable) with respect to ongoing matters;
- organising the payment policy.
First 3 months – USD 650.
From then on, a monthly fee as agreed, depending on the required scope of work, complexity of the case, etc.

[1] The fees are valid at June 2024.

[2] To order apostilled documents that are issued by government authorities, please contact a Consultant at GSL Law & Consulting.

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from USD 3 800
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