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Registration of a mainland company in Saudi Arabia. Service offer

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is the largest state on the Arabian Peninsula. Saudi Arabia, with its colossal oil reserves, is the main state of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). The KSA also plays an important role in the MENA(Middle East and North Africa) region, which accounts for about 80% of the world’s maritime cargo traffic, 60% of the world’s oil reserves, and 45% of natural gas reserves. The country provides a wide range of benefits and incentives for foreign investors. In 2016, the Government of Saudi Arabia adopted the Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030, a development plan which aims to reduce Saudi Arabia’s oil dependence, diversify its economy, and increase the volume of international non-oil trade in goods and services.

Advantages of registering a mainland company in Saudi Arabia

Multiple investment options with 100% foreign ownership in many businesses;

One of the best places to live in in terms of quality of life;

A Saudi company allows entrepreneurs to expand their business and operate in other Gulf countries;

Saudi companies enjoy very low import and export tariffs;

No restrictions on repatriation of capital, currency exchange, or transfer of dividends;

Saudi Arabia is the largest centre of logistics capabilities due to its location and access to two seas;

Ability to open local bank accounts;

Fixed exchange rate of the national currency and no exchange control.

Legal forms

In accordance with the KSA Companies Law, a legal entity in the Kingdom can be registered in the following legal forms:

  • General partnership;
  • Limited partnership;
  • Joint-stock company;
  • Simplified joint-stock company;
  • Limited liability company.

The most common legal form is a limited liability company.

Business activities

In Saudi Arabia, most types of activities have special requirements that must be met when registering a company. For example, companies engaged in construction or tourism are required to provide financial statements for the last year certified by the Embassy of Saudi Arabia. Companies providing communication services must have a Saudi partner with at least 40% participation share. However, if a person wishing to register a Saudi company has Premium Residency*, such person is exempt from these requirements.
*Premium Residency is a document in Saudi Arabia similar to a residence permit, which gives foreign citizens the right to live, work, and do business in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

All types of activities can be divided into two groups:

  1. activities available to companies with 100% foreign ownership;
  2. activities available to foreigners with the mandatory participation of a Saudi partner.

Activities available to foreigners – 100% foreign company*

  • Activities related to heavy and light industries;
  • Activities related to the performance of government and semi-government contracts (provided there is no foreign investment licence for the performance of government/semi-government contracts);
  • Research and development activities (provided the company has a Saudi agent distributing the company’s products in the Kingdom);
  • Activities related to real estate investment (provided the value of a single project is at least SAR 30 000 000 (~USD 8 000 000);
  • Commercial activities: wholesale and retail trade, e-commerce;
  • Engineering consultation activities;
  • Activities related to the employment of domestic staff;
  • Activities related to audio and video recording;
  • Activities in the printing and publishing field, etc.;
  • Activities related to transportation (private/public taxis, school and tourist transfers, transfers of pilgrims and visitors to the Kingdom, carriage of passengers by buses outside the Kingdom, directing taxis; car, bus, and truck rental).

It should be noted that if a company is 100% foreign-owned, there are additional requirements* for almost all types of activities (minimum share capital, minimum value of investment projects, presence in international markets, etc.). Premium Residency does not exempt a person wishing to register a Saudi company from these requirements.

* See details below.

Activities available to foreigners with the mandatory participation of a Saudi partner

  • Construction activities;
  • Activities related to technology development;
  • Tourism;
  • Activities in the field of training;
  • Activities in the field of healthcare;
  • Insurance and reinsurance;
  • Activities in the field of education;
  • Activities related to the provision of logistics services;
  • Activities related to the provision of financial services;
  • Organization of exhibitions;
  • Activities in the field of public catering;
  • Activities in the field of aviation and handling, etc.;
  • Commercial activities: retail and wholesale trade, e-commerce (provided the company has a Saudi partner with a share of at least 25%);
  • Professional services (accounting and auditing, architecture, etc.);
  • Agricultural activities;
  • Mining activities;
  • Activities related to the provision of legal services in the Kingdom through the involvement of a licensed Saudi lawyer;
  • Activities in the field of transportation by bus within cities, transportation by metro within cities;
  • Activities in the field of communication services.

Share capital

Generally, Saudi Arabia has no minimum capital requirement. However, there are special requirements for the size of share capital for companies conducting certain business activities, for example:

  1. 100% foreign-owned companies engaged in wholesale and retail trade and e-commerce are required to have a minimum capital of SAR 30 000 000 (~USD 8 000 000);
  2. Companies that are engaged in wholesale and retail trade and e-commerce and have a Saudi partner are required to have a minimum capital of SAR 20 000 000 (~USD 5 332 000).


The number of shareholders must be at least one; shareholders can be individuals and legal entities.

A foreign citizen can own up to 100% of shares (participation) in a company, depending on the company’s type of activity.

However, although Saudi law* sets out minimum requirements for company shareholders, the main regulator for companies with foreign investment is the Ministry of Investment of Saudi Arabia (MISA), which imposes higher requirements for company formation by foreign investors.

Foreign citizens have two options to enter the Saudi domestic market:

  1. Obtain Premium Residency – a premium residence permit that provides exemption from the mandatory participation of Saudi nationals in foreign-owned companies and offers other reliefs depending on the type of activity.
  2. Comply with the requirement to pay the minimum share capital of the company**. A potential shareholder must provide proof of having funds to contribute to the capital and demonstrate compliance with additional requirements for the chosen type of activity.

* Saudi Companies Law.
** See details below.


A limited liability company is managed by one or more managers. Managers can be appointed from among partners or other persons.

Company registration in Saudi Arabia

Steps involved in the registration of a company in Saudi Arabia:

1) It is necessary to determine:

  • company name;

Requirements for the company name:

  • the name must not be non-Arabic or have no meaning;
  • the name can reflect the purpose of the company or be a distinctive name or the surname of partners;
  • the name must not contain titles (lawyer, master, lady, prince, princess, sheikh, father, brother, etc.);
  • the name is not permitted to indicate types of activities;
  • names containing religious connotations are prohibited;
  • the name must not contain the name of a non-Arab country or city;
  • the name must not contain the word “group”;
  • the name must include the legal form of the company.
  • type of company;
  • company structure (shareholders, manager);
  • type of activity.

2) It is necessary to provide information and documents regarding:

  • names and passport details of the partners,
  • company’s headquarters,
  • company’s purpose,
  • company’s capital and its distribution between the partners,

and draft the Articles of Association containing:

  • company management procedure,
  • how decisions are made in the company,
  • how profits and losses are distributed between the partners,
  • company’s financial year start and end dates,

and any other provisions, conditions, or information that the partners plan to include in the company’s memorandum of association.

3) Submitting an application for company registration to the Ministry of Investment of Saudi Arabia (MISA).

The application must contain the details of the company’s shareholders, managers, and proposed business activities. The applicant must confirm compliance with the requirements for the proposed activity and provide proof of having funds to pay the share capital. If the shareholder is a foreign legal entity, it is necessary to submit audited financial statements and provide a financial development plan for the next 3 years. Following the review, MISA will issue a pre-approval certificate confirming that the company can be registered and whether the company can be 100% foreign-owned or not.

4) Reservation of the company name and drafting of the Articles of Association.

The Articles of Association must be submitted to the Ministry of Commerce and Investment (MOCI). Once approved, the document must be signed before a notary in order to get the Commercial Registration certificate. The certificate will be issued approximately 6 weeks after the filing of the Articles of Association. After that, the company’s name and Articles of Association must be published. At this stage, the company can also register for tax.

5) All registered companies must submit a Certificate of Membership obtained from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

This must be done within 30 days of receipt of Commercial Registration.

6) It is then necessary to open an account at a local bank within 90 days of the date of Commercial Registration.

A corporate bank account must be opened after the company registration numbers are issued, and all foreign employees must obtain an Iqama* in advance.

7) To obtain a MISA licence for a certain type of activity, it is necessary to provide MISA with all documents, such as: tax registration, bank letter confirming the payment of share capital, etc.

MISA will subsequently issue a foreign investment licence that will allow the company to sign contracts, issue invoices, and hire employees.

8) The next and final step is to register the company with the General Authority of Zakat** and Tax (GAZT) for tax purposes.

* Iqama is a special residence permit in Saudi Arabia that allows a foreigner to work and live in the KSA.

** Zakat is an Islamic annual wealth tax for the benefit of the poor levied on Muslims.

As a result, the company is assigned a taxpayer identification number (TIN).

Company administration


A company is required to annually renew its Commercial Registration and MISA licence by paying relevant fees, and to renew its office lease agreement.

A mandatory condition for company renewal is to provide financial statements for the last 3 years. The financial statements should be uploaded to the government portal.

Financial Statements and Audit

Saudi accounting regulations require every business enterprise with a capital exceeding SAR 100 000 to maintain proper accounting records. Records must be kept in Arabic and stored within the territory of the Kingdom. Financial statements are prepared by a local certified accountant in accordance with the international financial reporting standards.

Financial statements of companies with an annual revenue exceeding SAR 10 000 000 (~USD 2 670 000) must be audited.

Article 16 of the Saudi Companies Law states that the financial statements of a company must be prepared by the end of each financial year in accordance with the accounting standards approved in the Kingdom, and must also be deposited within 6 months of the financial year end date.

The company’s financial year is 12 months. The first financial year may cover a period of not less than 6 months and not more than 18 months, starting from the date of registration of the company.


Corporate income tax

Payment of corporate income tax depends on the citizenship of the company’s members. If a Saudi company only has foreign investors as members, then its profit is taxed at the rate of 20%. However, some activities are subject to a higher rate of corporate income tax. If a company is engaged in extraction of natural resources, the tax rate can range from 50% to 85%.

Dividend income received by a mainland company is subject to corporate income tax at the standard rate of 20%. However, dividends may be exempt from tax if the following conditions are met:

  • the share in the underlying company is at least 10%;
  • the holding period for the share is at least one year.

Interest income is subject to corporate income tax at the standard rate of 20%. Interest paid to a non-resident attracts 5% withholding tax.

Royalty income is subject to corporate income tax at the standard rate of 20%. Royalties paid to a non-resident attract 15% withholding tax.


The standard VAT rate has been 15% from 1 July 2020.

Social security contributions

Contributions are paid every month based on the monthly salary and housing allowance capped at SAR 45 000 (~USD 12 000). These contributions are charged at a rate of 2% for non-Saudi employees and are payable by the employer. For Saudi employees, the rate is 21.5% and is split between the employee and the employer.


Fees (USD)
Registration of a mainland company in Saudi Arabia, including:
- company incorporation (name check; collection, preparation and submission of documents for obtaining a MISA investment licence and for company incorporation; delivery of original corporate documents);
- liaising with government authorities regarding all matters of the company;
- monitoring changes in legislation, informing about changes and the need to revise the activities/structure of the company;
- postal services (collection/delivery of documents and other correspondence);
- company seal

Other options – upon request.

The price depends on the company’s proposed activities and geography of business, corporate structure, place of registration, and other factors.

The price does NOT include government fees charged by the registration authority for registering the company and issuing the licence; they are paid according to the issued invoice.

from 28 000
Drafting of the Articles of Association
The price does NOT include notarial expenses.
from 1 200
Finding an office for registration and further operation of the company
10% of the rent (one-time)
Individual office lease (as quoted by the lessor)
from 1 800 / month
Shared office lease (as quoted by the lessor)
from 500 / month
Saudi-resident partner
As agreed with the partner
Annual renewal of the company, including:
- liaising with government authorities regarding all matters of the company;
- monitoring changes in legislation, informing about changes and the need to revise the activities/structure of the company;
- keeping track of the deadlines and making payments for the company renewal and the office lease agreement;
- postal services (collection/delivery of documents and other correspondence).

Other options – upon request.

The price depends on the company’s activities and geography of business, corporate structure, place of registration, and other factors.

The price does NOT include government fees charged by the registration authority for renewing the company and its licence; they are paid according to the issued invoice.

from 25 000
Compliance fee
Payable in the cases of:
· incorporation of a company,
· renewal of a company,
· liquidation of a company,
· transfer out of a company,
· issue of a power of attorney to a new attorney,
· change of manager/shareholder/ beneficial owner,
· signing of documents.
350 (standard rate, includes the check of 1 individual)

+ 150 for each additional individual (manager, shareholder, or beneficial owner) or legal entity (manager or shareholder) if such legal entity is administered by GSL

+ 200 for each additional legal entity (shareholder) if such legal entity is not administered by GSL

450 (rate for high-risk companies, includes the check of 1 individual)

100 (signing of documents)

Supporting the opening of corporate bank accounts:
== Services of:
- analysing the company’s structure, activities/business model/ turnover and the information on the sources of funds/residence/account balance for the individuals in the company’s structure;
- individual selection of banks – up to 3 options;
- preparing a description of banks specifying the criteria by which they were selected;
- preparing a description of further steps in the account opening procedure.
1 000
== Services of:
- collecting and analysing corporate and other documents required to be submitted to the bank;
- putting together a detailed application for account opening, including full information about the company, its owners, and counteragents;
- sending this application to one of the banks selected by you;
- preparing a detailed description of all further steps in the account opening procedure;
- preparing for an interview;
- accompanying you to a face-to-face meeting with a banker, if necessary;
- interacting with the bank at ALL stages.
2 500
Keeping the company’s accounting records
Maintaining a systematic archive of company documents and providing them to the client upon request
200 / hour
Preparing financial statements, conducting an audit, and submitting financial statements to the government authorities
400 / hour**
Tax advice on VAT and other matters
400 / hour

*The cost of services is effective as of the July 2024.

**The fees for preparing financial statements and conducting an audit are charged based on the time spent at hourly rates ranging from USD 100 to USD 400 (depending on the type of work and qualification of a specialist involved).

Types of licences, minimum capital requirements, and the Saudi partner share

Type of licence
Minimum capital (SAR)
Minimum Saudi share (%)
Commercial with a Saudi partner
26 666 667
Foreign capital shareholding not less than SAR 20 000 000 (twenty million) and foreign partners’ share not more than 75%.
Commercial with 100% foreign ownership
30 000 000
Communication services
Additional telecommunications services
Property financing
200 000 000
Property investment
*The value of each project not less than SAR 30 000 000 (covering land and construction); the land and building must be outside Mecca and Medina.
Management of construction projects, engineering design, and EPC contracts
Public transport (bus transportation within cities)
500 000
Public transport (metro transportation)
500 000
Other transportation activities
10 000 000
Joint-stock company
500 000
Joint-stock one-person company
5 000 000
Digital brokerage
2 000 000
Collection of financing agencies debts
10 000 000

Additional requirements depending on the type of licence

Trading licence (100% foreign-owned)
1. Training of 30% of Saudi employees.
Trading licence (with a Saudi partner)
1. Training of 15% of Saudi employees.
2. Not to open more than a shop per district.
Industrial licence
1. The licensee must apply to the Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources to obtain an industrial licence and to the General Presidency of Meteorology and Environmental Protection to acquire an environmental approval.
Scientific and technical office
1. The office may study the markets regarding the activity type of the company and prepare reports on such study to the headquarters. The office shall submit an annual summary on its activity to the Ministry of Investment.
2. The office may neither implement any contracts nor carry on any commercial or investment activity directly or indirectly in the Kingdom as well as it may not charge any fees for training the Saudi technicians.
3. The company shall comply with all regulations and instructions applicable in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The licence will be revoked if the company has breached its terms and the relevant official entities will be so notified.
4. The Ministry of Investment has the right to terminate or not to renew the licence whenever it deems that the role of the office is outside the purpose for which it is authorised.
Consulting licence for technical & economic communication offices
1. The office may study markets and prepare reports of this study for companies in other countries that want to have a licence. The office shall submit an annual summary of its activity to the Ministry of Investment.
2. The office is prohibited from executing any contracts, doing business, or making investments in the Kingdom, directly or indirectly.
3. The Ministry of Investment has the right to revoke or not to renew the licence whenever it deems that the role of the office is outside the purpose for which it is authorised.
Activities of holding companies
1. Obtaining prior approval of the Ministry of Investment for each project to be established and for investment in it.
Real estate licence
1. Obtaining prior approval of the Ministry of Investment for any property to be owned or invested. The value of any project (land and building) must not be less than SAR 30 million. Properties must be outside the boundaries of the cities of Mecca or Medina.
General restrictions and conditions to be followed by the investor after receiving the licence
Licence holder shall be committed to the following:
1. Obtain the required governmental documents within 3 months of issuance of the Ministry of Investment licence and obtain the necessary documents or licences from related government agencies (where required) before or after obtaining the Ministry of Investment licence. The Ministry of Investment should be notified by the investor if difficulties are faced in doing so not less than 3 months before the project’s scheduled start of operation.
2. Operate within the licensed field/industry.
3. Implement the project within the time frame and location indicated in the application for the licence.
4. Use the licensed name as per Ministry of Investment investment licence in all governmental documents.
5. Renew the Ministry of Investment licence annually on time.
6. Receive Ministry of Investment follow-up officers, cooperate with them and furnish all required documents and proofs requested during the visit.
7. Not market or sell any non-licensed products inside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
8. Respect intellectual property rights of others.
9. Take all necessary measures to protect the environment.
10. Respect all local laws and regulations issued by Saudi ministries/agencies for the company and its employees.
11. Notify the Ministry of Investment of any change in contact address, postal address, email or phones and fax numbers within (10) business days of the change using the Ministry of Investment forms.
12. Be aware of the Ministry’s entitlement to licence fees and the financial compensation for subscription to the services of the Investor Relations Centres, for the entire period required for the licence, and be aware of the inability to claim a refund of it or part of it when the activity stops or the licence is cancelled before the end of its term for any reason.

The investor acknowledges and undertakes to abide by all rules and regulations stated in the Foreign Investment Act and all of its corresponding Executive Rules and guarantees the authenticity of the documents, information, and data presented in the application.

The licensee shall use the licence issued by the Ministry of Investment only for the purpose for which the licence is issued. The Saudi Arabian Government and the Ministry of Investment will not be held responsible to any party for any acts of misconduct committed, directly or indirectly, by the licensee, whether inside or outside Saudi Arabia, in violation of any laws of Saudi Arabia or elsewhere. Furthermore, the Ministry of Investment reserves the right to revoke the licence at any time if the licensee is convicted of any illegal activities or poses a threat to national security.

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from USD 28 000
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