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Setting Up a Company (PT PMA) in Indonesia. Service offer

Major advantages of doing business in Indonesia. Budget for setting up business in Indonesia. Time frame for setting up business in Indonesia. Company incorporation. Company administration.

Major advantages of doing business in Indonesia

Not an offshore jurisdiction;

Civil law system;

Progressive corporate income tax rate;

Actively developing jurisdiction and fast-growing sales market;

Enables to create a structure where the country of incorporation and the country of the bank account* coincide (requirement of most banks and counterparties);

Advantageous double tax treaties.

*A personal visit to the bank by the director/shareholder is required.

Budget for setting up business in Indonesia

Fees (USD)
Selecting a licence and conducting a Risk Assessment
Compliance fee
from 350
Total cost of incorporation of a company with low-risk activities (including preparation and provision of original constitutive documents of the company, but not including compliance fee)
4 800
Virtual office rent (per year)
from 2 500
Assistance with corporate bank account opening
2 500
from 10 740

Time frame for setting up business in Indonesia

Company incorporation – 2 to 5 weeks[1];

Corporate bank account opening – within a week from the company incorporation date.

Company incorporation

Incorporation of an Indonesian company limited by shares (PT PMA) includes the following steps:

1) It is necessary to select:

  • company name to be checked for its availability (at least three names)[2], which name:
    • can be in English,
    • must not be identical or similar to the name of an existing company,
    • must contain at least 3 words (example – PT ABC management Indonesia),
    • must begin with an indication of the legal form (“PT”);
  • company structure (director, shareholders, commissioner);
  • distribution of shares between the shareholders (by default, the company will be incorporated with 10 000 shares of IDR 1 000 000 (USD 66) each);
  • activity and geography of business.

2) Payment of fees for selecting a licence and conducting a Risk Assessment.

3) Payment for company incorporation.

4) It is necessary to provide documents for the directors / shareholders / commissioners. The list of documents includes:

  • proof of ID (passport / ID card);
  • proof of address (utility bill).

5) Preparing a package of documents for company incorporation, having the documents signed by the directors and members.

6) Filing documents with the registration authority.

The incorporation of a new company in Indonesia takes around 2.5 weeks after filing with the state registry. The registration time may vary depending on the company’s activities.

The documents delivered to the client upon Indonesian company incorporation include:

  1. Deed of Establishment of the Company (Akta Pendirian);
  2. Ministry of Law and Human Rights Approval (SK Kemenkumham);
  3. NIB (Business Registration Number);
  4. PKKPR (Approval of compatibility between the business activity plan and the Spatial Plan);
  5. SPPL (Statement of Environmental Management);
  6. NPWP Company (Tax ID Company).

Сompany administration

Financial statements and audit

According to article 66 of the Companies Law, Indonesian companies are required to prepare and submit financial statements. This is a statutory requirement irrespective of whether the company conducted any business or not. If the company remained dormant, the company’s accountants must prepare and submit dormant accounts.

The company must submit returns to the tax authorities within one year of the financial year-end.

The requirement to obtain an auditor’s report arises when one of the following conditions is met:

  1. The company’s activity is managing a fund;
  2. The company issues debt securities;
  3. The company is controlled by the Indonesian state;
  4. The company has assets/turnover of more than IDR 50 000 000 000 (USD 3 280 000).

Tax return

In addition to annual financial statements, all Indonesian companies are required to submit a monthly tax return showing the company’s profits for the previous month and the calculation of income taxes for its employees.

The corporate income tax rate is 0.5% until the turnover exceeds IDR 4 800 000 000 (USD 320 000).

From then on, the standard corporate tax rate of 25% applies.

Resident corporate taxpayers with gross revenue up to IDR 50 000 000 000 (USD 3 280 000) receive a 50% reduction in the corporate tax rate imposed on the taxable income for the gross revenue up to IDR 4 800 000 000 (USD 320 000).


Account should be taken of VAT matters as well. In Indonesia, VAT registration is not mandatory until the sales turnover within the country exceeds the registration threshold, which is IDR 4 800 000 000 (USD 320 000).

The general VAT rate is 12%.

Upon VAT registration and allocation of the taxpayer registration number, an Indonesian company must prepare and submit a quarterly VAT return and pay the resulting VAT within 40 days of the end of the VAT period.

To assess the company’s tax burden, we recommend seeking tax advice (which can be arranged upon request).


Fees (USD)

Company Incorporation and Administration

Selecting a licence and conducting a Risk Assessment
Total cost of incorporation of a company with low-risk activities (including preparation and provision of original constitutive documents of the company, but not including compliance fee)
4 800
Virtual office rent (per year)
from 2 500
Assistance with corporate bank account opening
2 500
Annual administration, starting from the second year (including renewed rent of registered office, but not including compliance fee)
3 650
Change of company name (including preparation of documents)
1 250
Amendment of the Deed of Establishment
1 400
Preparing documents to change director / shareholder, not including compliance fee
Courier delivery of documents from Indonesia
Compliance fee
Payable in the cases of:
- incorporation of a company,
- renewal of a company,
- liquidation of a company,
- transfer out of a company,
- issue of a power of attorney to a new attorney,
- change of director / shareholder / beneficial owner, except the change to a nominee director / shareholder,
- signing of documents.
350 (standard rate, includes the check of 1 individual)
+ 150 for each additional individual (director, shareholder, or beneficial owner) or legal entity (director or shareholder) if such legal entity is administered by GSL
+ 200 for each additional legal entity (director or shareholder) if such legal entity is not administered by GSL
450 (rate for high-risk companies, includes the check of 1 individual)
100 (signing of documents)
Preparing and submitting dormant accounts
2 400
Preparing and submitting non-dormant accounts
100 – 350 / hour (depending on time spent)

[1] The registration time frame depends on the proposed company activity.

[2] The registration authority may reject any name that it considers inappropriate or that coincides with or is similar to the names of existing Indonesian companies.

[3] The fees are valid as of August 2024.

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from USD 10 740
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