Outcoming transfer, €
Tariffs for outgoing payments vary depending on the service package; outgoing payments to Freedom Bank Kazakhstan JSC are subject to a fee of 3-1% of the payment amount (the minimum is USD 50), to banks of Armenia (except for VTB Armenia and Mellat Bank) – 0,3-1,25% (the minimum is USD 100); for external payments in USD, EUR, it is 1,5-1,75% (the minimum is USD 100 / EUR 100); for AMD, AZN, TRY, INR, GEL, it is 1,5-1,75% (the minimum is USD 50); for KZT, it is 0,3-0,4% (the minimum is KZT 23 500; the maximum is KZT 120 000); for CNY, it is 0,3-1% (the minimum is CNY 350; the maximum is CNY 10 000); for AED, it is 1,5% (the minimum is USD 750; the maximum is USD 2 500)
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