Company Registration in Dominica - Business Starting & Setup

Want to set up a firm in Dominica? We can assist you in starting a business or in buying a shelf company in Dominica with a full package of necessary documents, legal advice and follow-up support. Incorporation of a firm in Dominica includes provision of a registered office (for at least 1 year in any of our service plans), an apostilled set of constitutional documents, secretarial services and assistance with compliance fee and pre-approval for opening an account in banks of Dominica. The total price of company formation in Dominica includes all necessary fees and charges for the first year of operation, as well as full one-year nominee service (package Optimum).

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Service packages Legislation Tax System Audit Services
Service packages
Company registration
Legal address per year
Secretarial services for the first year
Fees and duties for the first year
Apostilled bound set of incorporation documents
Nominee service per year
Bank Account Pre-approval
2 100 USD

3 335 USD

3 945 USD

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Corporate Information

Legal System

The legal system in Dominica is based upon the English common law.

Types of Entity in Dominica

The principal forms of business organization in Dominica are:

  • private limited liability companies;
  • public limited liability companies;
  • non-profit companies

Until January 1, 2022, it was possible to register an International Business Company. However, now the registration of this form of company is prohibited. However, Dominica still retains the status of a jursidiction with a preferential taxation system.


Company Name

There is a range of requirements to the company name in Dominica:

  • The word "limited", "corporation" or "incorporated" or the abbreviation "ltd." or "corp." or "inc." must be part of the corporate name of every company;
  • A name must not be the same as a name already on the register in Dominica;
  • A name must not be so similar as to confuse or mislead;
  • It must not imply a connection with any part of government (unless approved by the Minister), a political party or its leader, or a university or professional association (unless there is a formal consent).
  • It must not give a false impression of the nature of the business, how goods or services will be produced or supplied, who will be employed, or where its products or services will come from.
  • It must not be in any way objectionable.

Procedure of a Company Registration in Dominica

The following steps are required to incorporate a company in Dominica:

  1. Check whether the name is available
  2. Prepare the Memorandum and Articles of Association
  3. Register with the Commercial Registry

A company can be established in 1-2 days.

Local Registered Office and Registered Agent

A company shall at all times have a registered office in Dominica maintained by the company or its registered agent.

The following documents must be kept at the Registered Office:

  • Minutes of all meeting of its - directors, members, committees of directors, committees of officers andcommittees of members
  • Copies of all resolutions consented to by its - directors, members, committees of directors, committees of officers andcommittees of members
  • Registers of Directors / Shareholders
  • Share certificates
  • Register of mortgages and encumbrances (optional)
  • Beneficial Owner Declaration and passport copies
  • Accounting records

An company shall at all times have a registered agent in Dominica. Only a barrister and solicitor or an accountant practicing in Dominica can act as a registered agent. No person shall be a registered agent unless he has been licensed by the Registrar to act as a registered agent.


There are no statutory requirements for a company to have a seal.


The redomiciliation of companies to or from Dominica is permitted.

Company Structure


A private limited liability company may have one director, no residency requirements.

A public limited liability company requires a minimum of 3 directors.

Director's meetings are not required.


There is no statutory requirement for a secretary or other officers for Dominica corporations; however, if officers are required they can also be directors and shareholders.


The minimum number of shareholders for both a private limited company and a public limited company is one. Shareholders may be of any nationality and reside in any country.

A Dominica company does not need to hold an Annual General Meeting of its shareholders. If such a meeting is decided on, it may be held anywhere in the world and by any means including by telephone or other electronic means, once effective communication is ensured.

Shareholders’ derails are not available to public.


Beneficiaries’ details do not appear on a public profile. Generally, service providers including firm specializing in company formation, trust managers, lawyers, and accountants, keep beneficiaries’ information in strict confidentiality.

The information on the Beneficial Owners is kept at the Registered Office and not available to the public.

Share Capital and Shares

There is no minimum capital amount. There is also no maximum amount and it does not affect the registration fee or annual fees. Capital can be issued in any currency.

Shares can be with or without par value.

The shares of a public company (as opposed to a private company) are traded on a stock exchange.

Frequently Asked Questions about Company Registration in Dominica

How long does it take to set up a company in Dominica?
The process of setting up a new company in Dominica , from applying for registration to receiving a set of documents, is 1-2 days.
How much does it cost to register a company in Dominica?
The cost of opening a company in Dominica depends on the type of company to be registered and the type of activity you will be engaged in. The minimum package of services costs USD 2 100 and includes: registration of the company on a turnkey basis, lease of the registered office for a year and secretarial services, payment of all necessary duties and fees, as well as apostilled translation of the constituent documents.
Is Dominica an offshore?
No, Dominica is not considered an offshore jurisdiction. However, it offers various incentives for businesses, including tax breaks, investment opportunities, and residency and citizenship programs.

Core Services and fees for the formation of a company in Dominica

— Incorporation

Price2 100 USD

(including incorporation tax and state registry fee)

— Annual government fees


(Stamp Duty) and Companies House incorporation fee

— Corporate legal services

Price2 090 USD

(including registered address and registered agent)

—Delivery of documents by courier mail

Pricefrom 750 USD

DHL or TNT, at cost of a Courier Service

Nominee Director

Price705 USD

for 1 year, not including POA

Nominee Shareholder

Price530 USD

Paid-up “nominee shareholder” set includes the following documents

Compliance fee in Dominica

Compliance fee is payable in the cases of: incorporation of a company, renewal of a company, liquidation of a company, transfer out of a company, issue of a power of attorney to a new attorney, change of director / shareholder / BO (except the change to a nominee director / shareholder), signing of documents


Price250 USD

simple company structure with only 1 physical person

For legal entity in structure under GSL administration

Price150 USD

additional compliance fee for legal entity in structure under GSL administration (per 1 entity)

For legal entity in structure not under GSL administration

Price200 USD

additional compliance fee for legal entity in structure NOT under GSL administration (per 1 entity)

For client with high risk Status

Price350 USD

Signing of documents

Price100 USD

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