Legal system
Mixed, largely based on English Common Law, with many French features
Types of entity
Private company limited by shares;
Public company limited by shares;
Branch of overseas company;
General partnership;
Limited partnership;
Protected cell companies
Shelf companies permitted
Incorporation timescale for a new company
1 day
Company suffix
Limited or Avec Responsabilité Limitée or the abbreviations Ltd and a.r.l.
Sensitive words
Bank or bankers, investment, corporation, international, associate, association, fund, trust, trustee, united, royal, Queen and King; currency symbols or currency abbreviations, foreign words, internet domain name, invented words, professional qualifications, etc.
Cyrillic alphabet permitted in company name
Local registered office
Local registered agent
Information to be kept at the registered office
Register of shareholders, register of directors, minutes of all directors' and shareholders' meetings
Seal required, type of seal
Not required
Redomiciliation (to, from) permitted