How to open a bank account in BlueOrange (formerly Baltikums Bank)

GSL reference about the bank What is it?

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GSL rating


Beginning of cooperation

March, 2014

Last contact

March, 2025

Last update

June, 2024
  • since March 2018, legislation has been introduced in Latvia obliging banks to stop working with non-resident shell companies, since they fall into the “high risk” category;
  • the bank opens corporate accounts for companies with the condition of actual presence, as well as with economic ties with the country of registration;
  • to open an account, a personal meeting with a potential client is mandatory;
  • the bank opens personal accounts for EU citizens; for citizens of other states, a bank account is opened only for the purpose of using investment services;
  • the term for opening an account – case by case (check with the consultant)
GSL rating
Beginning of cooperation
March, 2014
Last contact
March, 2025
Last update
June, 2024
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General information and rating
General information and rating

Not rated
Global rating
Not rated
Countrywide rating
Countrywide rating of the head bank
Global rating of the head bank
Year of foundation
Baltikums Bank was founded in 2001. In 2017, the Bank re-branded and is now called BlueOrange Bank
There are English-speaking staff
Bank’s shareholders
Baltikums Bank is wholly owned by the Latvian financial group BBG AS (formerly “Baltikums Bankas Grupa”). BBG AS shareholders are Latvian companies: SIA Alexander Peshkov Family Holdings, SIA Sergey Peshkov Holdings, SIA Andrey Kochetkov Holdings, SIA Oleg Chepulsky Holdings, as well as Alexander and Sergey Peshkovs. As of January 6, 2015, the paid-in share capital of BBG is 52.5 million euros, invested in Baltikums Bank and other subsidiaries
Judicial Cooperation Agreement with Russia is signed; Double Taxation Agreement with Russia is signed; AML legislation is strictly observed; Active member of OECD, FATF, Basel Commitee, Egmont Group etc.
Compare banks

    Minimum requirements
    Minimum requirements

    Minimum balance, €
    Transactions permitted per month
    Initial deposit of funds, €
    Deadline for the initial deposit, month
    Transactions permitted per month
    No requirement to limit the number of transfers
    Initial deposit of funds, €
    The account must have a minimum balance of EUR 1 000
    Minimum turnover, €/year
    There are no minimum turnover requirements. When opening an account, the client indicates the approximate monthly turnover and the number of transactions, if in the future these limits are violated, then the amounts are adjusted
    How fast payments are executed
    Standard payment - D + 1 (until 18.00). Urgent payment - D (until 14.00). Express payment is made within D (before 15.00, execution within 1 hour). Payment orders are accepted for execution on business banking days local time (GMT + 02: 00)

    Tariffs and services
    Tariffs and services

    Outcoming transfer, €
    Incoming transfer, €
    Account maintenance, €/year
    Payment limit for credit cards, €/day
    Outcoming transfer, €
    Transfers in EUR outside the EEA:
    urgent transfer - EUR 50 (commission is paid by the beneficiary - BEN), 0,15% (min. EUR 90, max. EUR 270) (commission is paid by each party in parts (SHA) or the payer (OUR);
    express transfer - EUR 60 (the commission is paid by the beneficiary - BEN), 0,15% (min. EUR 120, max. EUR 270) (the commission is paid by each party in parts (SHA) or the payer (OUR).
    Incoming transfer, €
    The bank does not take commission for crediting funds
    Account maintenance, €/year
    Account maintenance - EUR 60 per month. Consideration of documents for opening and servicing a multicurrency current account in the standard mode (10 banking business days):
    - for legal entities (with issue of Digipass and MasterCard Business payment card) - EUR 400. The Bank opens corporate accounts for a company subject to the existence of actual presence, as well as with economic ties with the country of registration.
    - for individuals (with issue of Digipass and MasterCard Gold payment card) - EUR 250. A personal account is opened for EU citizens. For citizens of other countries, a current account with BlueOrange Bank is opened only for the purpose of using investment services.
    Monthly payment for current account maintenance - from EUR 30. Closing a multicurrency account - EUR 130. Commission for an inactive current account - EUR 100 per month. For opening a current account on an extra-urgent basis (First Priority - documents for opening an account are considered within 5 working days), in addition to the existing tariff, a commission of EUR 500 is charged. For opening a current account urgently (First Priority)
    Distant access to the account
    Internet-Banking using Digipass or Mobile Digipass. Connecting the Internet Bank with one user - free of charge, Monthly fee for using the Internet Bank by each user
    Financial products
    he bank provides a full range of banking services: individual banking services; corporate banking services for medium and large enterprises; private wealth management (Private Banking & Wealth Management); trust banking; settlement service and account management via the Internet; currency conversion at attractive rates; deposits in various currencies at individual rates; payment cards with the ability to set a credit limit; different types of financing
    Credit/debit cards
    MasterCard Business (with annual service EUR 80 / USD 80) / MasterCard Classic (with annual service EUR 50 / USD 50)
    Hold mail
    Bank statement on opening an account - from EUR 20

    Account opening procedure
    Account opening procedure

    Days to open for incoming transfers
    Case by case
    Days to open for outcoming transfers
    Case by case
    Not necessary
    Purpose of the account
    Visit to the bank
    To open an account, a personal meeting with a potential client is mandatory
    Standard set of corporate documents; copies of passports of beneficiaries and contact persons. Documents confirming the experience and material status of the beneficiary and contact person
    Types of accounts
    Opening procedure and Due Diligence
    It is possible to open an account without visiting the country where the bank is located
    Chances to open an account
    Business description
    Moderately detailed: along with the description of the business, it is necessary to provide information on the sources of origin of funds

    Banks of Latvia

    The cost of opening an account, $
    Global rating
    Countrywide rating
    GSL rating
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