How to open a bank account in Erste Bank AG

GSL reference about the bank What is it?

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GSL rating


Beginning of cooperation

March, 2000

Last contact

March, 2025

Last update

August, 2024
  • the bank opens savings (deposit) accounts;
  • visit to the bank is required;
  • minimum account balance – from EUR 500 000;
  • the term for opening an account – case by case (check with the consultant);
  • to open an account, you need to contact Austria (office in Austria or Austrian clients)
GSL rating
Beginning of cooperation
March, 2000
Last contact
March, 2025
Last update
August, 2024
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General information and rating
General information and rating

Global rating
Countrywide rating
Countrywide rating of the head bank
Global rating of the head bank
Year of foundation
The oldest savings bank in Austria, it was founded in 1819. In 1997 Die Erste österreichische Spar-Casse Bank AG, established 1819 as the oldest savings bank in Austria and GiroCredit merged into Erste Bank der oesterreichischen Sparkassen AG. In August 2008 the company changed into the holding company Erste Group Bank AG and the Austrian business of Erste Bank der oesterreichischen Sparkassen AG was separated from the newly founded holding company.

Erste Group Bank AG is the second largest banking group in the country and the lead bank of the Austrian savings banks group. Through its acquisitions in Central Europe region, the bank is now one of the leading retail banks in Central Europe
Speaks English, German, and Polish
Bank’s shareholders
ERSTE Foundation -11,41%; Savings Banks & Savings Banks Foundations - 6,83%; Other Syndicated - 3,08%; CaixaBank - 9,92%; Institutional Investors - 52,18%; Retail Investors Austria - 4,00%; Employees - 0,74%; Identified Trading - 2,02%; Unidentified - 9,82%
Double Taxation Agreement with Russia is signed; AML legislation is strictly observed; Active member of OECD, FATF, Basel Commitee, Egmont Group etc.
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    Minimum requirements
    Minimum requirements

    500 000
    Minimum balance, €
    No restrictions
    Transactions permitted per month
    500 000
    Initial deposit of funds, €
    Deadline for the initial deposit, month
    Minimum balance, €
    The bank requires a minimum balance of EUR 500 000
    Transactions permitted per month
    The number of monthly account transactions is not limited
    Initial deposit of funds, €
    Down payment equals minimum balance
    Deadline for the initial deposit, month
    Down payment equals minimum balance
    Minimum turnover, €/year
    The minimum annual turnover is EUR 10 000 000
    How fast payments are executed
    Value date - second day. Transaction day ends at 12.00 Moscow time

    Tariffs and services
    Tariffs and services

    Outcoming transfer, €
    Incoming transfer, €
    Account maintenance, €/year
    Payment limit for credit cards, €/day
    Outcoming transfer, €
    The transfer fee is 0,2% of the amount, but not less than EUR 10
    Incoming transfer, €
    The charges on incoming transfers are 0,2% of the amount, but not less than EUR 10
    Account maintenance, €/year
    The account maintenance fee is 0,035% of most of the revenue per quarter (minimum 24,20 EUR)
    Distant access to the account
    Online banking
    Financial products
    In its core business – deposit and loan banking – it is focused on private customers, companies and the public sector. Apart from 797 branch offices, the network includes more than 100 specialized advisory centers for residential construction financing, commercial clients, start-ups and private banking clients

    Account opening procedure
    Account opening procedure

    Days to open for incoming transfers
    Case by case
    Days to open for outcoming transfers
    Case by case
    Not necessary
    Purpose of the account
    Savings & current
    Visit to the bank
    Copy of international passport. Certificate of Good Standing is required (not older than 3 months) for companies incorporated more than 6 months ago. Additional documents may be requested
    Types of accounts
    Savings; Current
    Chances to open an account
    Business description
    Very detailed business description: how the business was established and where it stands now, origin of funds, details of biography and contact details of the beneficial owner of the account

    Banks of Austria

    The cost of opening an account, $
    Global rating
    Countrywide rating
    GSL rating
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