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Relationship was terminated
The history of our relationship with the bank is best illustrated by a famous saying ‘people make all the difference’. During almost fifteen years the work with the bank went on perfectly. It is difficult to imagine now, but we could GUARANTEE to a client who met the bank’s requirements that the account would be opened within 5 days. During those years we opened hundreds of accounts, with not more than five rejected applications (those in the know will definitely appreciate the percentage). The credit for that spectacular result goes to the head of the international department who held this post for nearly twenty years…
The summer of 2011 saw the inevitable event which we all so feared: the head of the department retired and the smoothly working mechanism immediately began to malfunction: with the new head of office the procedure was no longer transparent or predictable. We did not dare to predict success of the account application even in most obvious cases, with percentage of rejected applications ranging from 40% to 60%. And the procedure itself took two or three months.
In July 2014 the bank adopted a new dramatically different policy: it intends to focus on Scandinavian markets. It will therefore no longer open accounts for foreign companies and will close the existing accounts.
The relationship with the bank is terminated
Relationship was terminated
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