Occupies the continent of the same name, the island of Tasmania, and several other islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans
Total area
7 692 024 sq. km
26 524 000 (2022)
National currency
Australian Dollar
Conditional reduction of currency
Climate, average max and min t°
Most of the north has a tropical climate; the southwest has a Mediterranean climate; most of the southeast has a temperate climate
Time difference from Moscow
- 7 hours
State language
Australian (English)
Ethnic groups
Approximately 90% of the population is European, more than 8% is Asian (Chinese, Vietnamese, Filipinos, and Indians)
Government type
Approximately 90% of the population is European, more than 8% is Asian (Chinese, Vietnamese, Filipinos, and Indians)
Executive branch
The formal head of state is King Charles III. Executive power - the Prime Minister and the Cabinet of Ministers
Legislative branch
Bicameral federal parliament: the Senate (upper house, 76 senators) and the House of Representatives (lower house, 150 deputies). Parliament also includes the king of Great Britain (represented by the governor general)
Judicial branch
Two-tier judicial system: the federal level includes federal courts and tribunals, and the regional level includes courts of individual states and territories. Four federal courts: the High Court, the Federal Court, the Family Court, the Federal District Court. At the head of both levels of the judicial system is the High Court of Australia
GDP per capita rank
24 (2020)
Corruption perceptions index rank
73 (2021)