Legal system
Common law for corporate matters
Types of entity
Private limited company;
Public limited company;
Sole proprietorship;
Branch of a foreign company
Shelf companies permitted
Incorporation timescale for a new company
3 days
Company suffix
"Limited" or the word "Limitée" or the abbreviation "Ltd" or "Ltée"
Sensitive words
“Authority”, “Corporation”, “Government”, “Mauritius”, “National”, “President”, “Presidential”, “Regional”, "Republic", “State”, or any other word which in the Registrar’s opinion suggests, or is likely to suggest, that it enjoys the patronage of the Government or of a statutory corporation, or of the Government of any other State; “Municipal” or “Chartered” or any other word which in the Registrar’s opinion suggests, or is likely to suggest, connection with a local authority in Mauritius or elsewhere; “co-operative”; “Chamber of Commerce
Cyrillic alphabet permitted in company name
Local registered office
Local registered agent
Information to be kept at the registered office
The constitution of the company; minutes of the meetings and resolutions of shareholders within the last seven years; an interests register; minutes of all meetings and resolution of directors and directors’ committees within the last seven years; certificates given by directors under the Companies Act within the last seven years; the full names and addresses of the current directors; copies of all written communications to all shareholders or all holders of the same class of shares during the last seven years, including annual reports; сopies of all financial statements and group financial statements for the last seven completed accounting periods of the company; accounting records for the current accounting period and for the last seven completed accounting periods of the company; the share register; and the copies of instruments creating or evidencing charges required to be registered
Seal required, type of seal
Not required
Redomiciliation (to, from) permitted