Company Registration in Denmark - Business Starting & Setup

Want to set up a firm in Denmark? We can assist you in starting a business or in buying a shelf company in Denmark with a full package of necessary documents, legal advice and follow-up support. Incorporation of a firm in Denmark includes provision of a registered office (for at least 1 year in any of our service plans), an apostilled set of constitutional documents, secretarial services and assistance with compliance fee and pre-approval for opening an account in banks of Denmark. The total price of company formation in Denmark includes all necessary fees and charges for the first year of operation, as well as full one-year nominee service (package Optimum).

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Service packages Legislation Tax System Audit Services
Service packages
Company registration
Legal address per year
Secretarial services for the first year
Fees and duties for the first year
Apostilled bound set of incorporation documents
Nominee service per year
Bank Account Pre-approval
17 200 USD

17 200 USD

17 810 USD

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Legal System

Danish legal system is based on civil law and provides for judicial review of legislative acts. Denmark accepts compulsory International Court of Justice jurisdiction with reservations.

Types of Entity in Denmark

The principal forms of business organization in Denmark are:

  • Private Limited Company (Anpartsselskab, ApS);
  • Public Limited Company (Aktieselskab, A/S);
  • General Partnership (Interessentskab, I/S);
  • Limited Partnership (Kommanditselskab, K/S);
  • Sole Proprietorship;
  • Branch Office.

The most common structure is the Private Limited Company (Anpartsselskab, ApS).


Company Name

The company must have a name ending with a suffix "ApS".

Company names may be expressed in any language using the Latin alphabet if the Commerce and Companies Agency is in receipt of a Danish or English translation. Names in Cyrillic alphabet are not allowed.

The Commerce and Companies Agency can decline any name it considers undesirable or any name that is identical or similar to an existing company’s name, or implies illegal activity or royal or government patronage.

The following names, their derivatives or foreign language equivalents require consent or a licence: “Bank”, “Building Society”, “Savings”, “Loans”, “Insurance”, “Assurance”, “Reinsurance”, “Fund Management”, “Investment Fund”, “Trust”, “Trustees”, “Chamber of Commerce”, “Co-operation”, “Council”, “Municipal”, as well as any other names that may suggest association with the banking or insurance business.

Registration of company in Denmark

To incorporate a company in Denmark the following steps are required:

1. Obtain a MitID signature: The MitID can be obtained online on The new MitID was launched in July 2010 as an improvement on the previous Digital Signature.

2. Deposit startup capital at a bank: A private limited company (ApS) must have a startup capital of at least DKK 40 000. An amount equal to 25% of the share capital, but not less than DKK 40 000, must be paid up at all.

3. Register the company with the Danish Business Authority (DBA) Webreg system: The DBA provides to limited liability companies, a one-stop centralized service for business and tax registrations. The website captures new and updated company information and it is connected to a database that automatically validates the input data. The registration form may be completed and submitted electronically with the Memorandum of Association and the Articles of Association. The entire process takes place online, without the involvement of any agency official. For online registration, the registration is immediate. To secure payment of the startup capital, lawyers, accountants or bank employees may log on to the Capital Information page on and confirm the type and amount of capital by using their MitID (digital signature). On completion of the registration process, the client receives a registration receipt by email, stating a unique business identification number (CVR) and confirmation that the registration is visible at, where the National Gazette is published electronically.

4. Register employees with workmen's insurance: Employees must be insured against industrial accidents and occupational illnesses. The chosen insurance company must complete a form and register the insurance policy with the DBA. If the new business has a car, motor insurance must also be purchased. More information on insurance companies can be found at

It takes about 5 days to startup a new company in Denmark.

Local Registered Office

Danish ApS must maintain a registered office address within Denmark and keep at that address the register of shareholders.


There are no mandatory requirements regarding the company seal.


The redomiciliation of companies either to or from Denmark is not permitted.

Company structure


A private limited company is required to have a minimum of one director who may act either as a managing director or a sole member of the board of directors (or both). Such director may be of any residence or nationality, a natural person or a legal entity.

Director’s details are disclosed to the local agent and appear on the public file.

There are no restrictions on how often or where directors’ meetings should be held.


Danish companies are not required to appoint a company secretary.


ApS may have one or more shareholders, individuals or corporations of any nationality or residence.

Shareholders’ details are disclosed to the local agent and appear on the public file.

General meetings are to be held either in Denmark or abroad annually. By unanimous decision, the shareholders of a company may agree to waive the formal requirements of the Companies Act and the company’s articles of association applicable to general meetings and sign a written resolution.

A company may also elect to introduce electronic communication between the company and its shareholders, e.g. by convening general meetings by e-mail.


The register of beneficiaries in Denmark is public. They can be obtained from the official website of the Registry of Companies free of charge and without registration.

The following information about the beneficiaries is disclosed: full name, address of residence, basis of ownership, date of last change of data.

The obligation to provide data for the Beneficiary Registry is effective as of December 1, 2017.

Share Capital and Shares

The share capital of a private limited company can be nominated in DKK or EUR (or another currency if permission to use another currency has been obtained).

The minimum authorized and issued share capital of private limited liability company (ApS) is DKK 40 000.

An amount equal to 25% of the share capital, but not less than DKK 40 000, must be paid up at all.

Usually the share capital is DKK 40 000 and the standard par value of shares is DKK 100.

Public limited liability company (A/S) must have a share capital corresponding to no less than DKK 400 000.

Bearer shares or shares with no par value are permitted.

Public Records

The company registration system is now fully computerised and a fair amount of information is, upon payment of a fee, available online to any interested party. This information includes:

  • summary extracts of the full list of board members, managers, auditors,
  • rules of signature,
  • financial year, and
  • the filing date of the latest annual report.

Copies of annual reports are also available online whereas copies of articles of associations, minutes of general meetings etc. may be available by ordinary mail within a few days (or by fax the same day on payment of an additional fee).

Frequently Asked Questions about Company Registration in Denmark

How much does it cost to register a company in Denmark?
The cost of incorporating a company in Denmark starts at USD 17 200 depending on the type of company you want to set up and the services you require. Company formation costs include a company registration fee with the Danish Business Administration, a business license fee and a bank account fee. In addition, this cost includes the rental of a registered office for one year, as well as secretarial services.
How much tax do companies pay in Denmark?
The corporate tax rate in Denmark is currently 22%. However, the actual amount of tax that a company will pay will depend on a number of factors, including the company's size, structure, and profitability. Other taxes that companies may be subject to in Denmark include value-added tax (VAT), wage tax, and various other local taxes.
Can a foreigner register a company in Denmark?
Yes, a foreigner can register a company in Denmark. The process of registering a company in Denmark is relatively straightforward and can be done by foreign nationals without the need for a Danish residency. However, it is important to note that to register a company in Denmark, you need to have a Danish CPR number, which is the equivalent of a social security number. If you don't have a CPR number, you can apply for one by providing proof of your identity and address in Denmark. Additionally, you will also need to provide information about the company, such as the name, type of business, registered address, and the names and addresses of the directors. The process of registering a company in Denmark can take several weeks and requires that you comply with the various legal and administrative requirements.
How do I check if a company is registered in Denmark?
In Denmark, you can check if a company is registered by visiting the official website of the Danish Business Authority (Erhvervsstyrelsen), which is the government agency responsible for registering companies in Denmark. On the website, you can use the "Company Search" feature to find information about a specific company, including its registration number, legal form, and registered address. You can also view the company's articles of association, financial statements, and other relevant information. Alternatively, you can contact the Danish Business Authority directly and request information about a specific company. You will need to provide the company's name or registration number, and the Business Authority may charge a fee for providing this information. It's worth noting that while the information on the Danish Business Authority's website is reliable and up-to-date, it may not provide a complete picture of a company's financial and business operations, so it's always a good idea to conduct additional research or seek professional advice before doing business with a company in Denmark.
How long does it take to set up a company in Denmark?
The process of setting up a new company in Denmark, from applying for registration to receiving a set of documents, is 5 days.

Core Services and fees for the formation of a company in Denmark

— Incorporation

Price17 200 USD

including incorporation tax, state registry fee, NOT including Compliance fee

— Annual government fees


Stamp Duty and Danish Business Authority incorporation fee

— Corporate legal services

Price6 200 USD

including registered address and registered agent, NOT including Compliance fee

—Delivery of documents by courier mail

Price250 USD

DHL or TNT, at cost of a Courier Service

— Apostilled set of Statutory documents

Pricefrom 700 USD

Basic set of documents for setup of a company in Denmark

Certificate of Incorporation

Articles and Charter of Association

Register of Shareholders

Page with Apostille

Compare Jurisdictions

    Nominee Director

    Paid-up “nominee director” set includes the following documents

    Nominee Shareholder

    Paid-up “nominee shareholder” set includes the following documents

    Compliance fee in Denmark

    Compliance fee is payable in the cases of: incorporation of a company, renewal of a company, liquidation of a company, transfer out of a company, issue of a power of attorney to a new attorney, change of director / shareholder / BO (except the change to a nominee director / shareholder), signing of documents


    Price350 USD

    simple company structure with only 1 physical person

    For legal entity in structure under GSL administration

    Price150 USD

    additional compliance fee for legal entity in structure under GSL administration (per 1 entity)

    For legal entity in structure not under GSL administration

    Price200 USD

    additional compliance fee for legal entity in structure NOT under GSL administration (per 1 entity)

    For client with high risk Status

    Price450 USD

    Signing of documents

    Price100 USD

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    The cost of opening an account, $
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    GSL rating
    3 500
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