Outcoming transfer, €
Transfer fee (depending on the tariff plan): from HKD 0 to HKD 75
Incoming transfer, €
The Bank does not charge a fee for crediting
Account maintenance, €/year
Monthly account maintenance fee (depending on the tariff plan): from HKD 0 to HKD 150
Distant access to the account
Phone, fax, Internet. Internet-banking fee is HKD 200. HSBC.net advanced provides for the use of a standard internet bank. Service cost - HKD 1 000 per month (USD 130). During the interview for opening an account, a manager comes with a special laptop, registers the client, and in case of opening an account, the client gets the opportunity to use the Internet bank
Financial products
The bank provides a wide range of banking and financial services, including loans, insurance, stock market, deposits, bonds
Credit/debit cards
Business Card, Corporate Card, Purchasing Card
Hold mail
Provision of bank recommendations - HKD 300
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