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GSL rating
Beginning of cooperation
April, 2024
Last contact
March, 2025
Last update
June, 2024
the bank is licensed by the Central Bank of the UAE;
the bank has branches in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Fujairah, Ras Al Khaimah and Al Ain;
the bank opens savings (deposit) and settlement accounts;
the bank opens accounts for local companies: LLC, Free Zone Company (no restrictions on the emirate / FEZ of company registration);
the bank works with the Russian Federation: direct transfers to the UAE (RUB and AED) are possible;
accepts beneficiaries from any country;
the bank opens accounts in AED, USD, EUR;
minimum account balance – 5 000 AED;
the bank accepts companies with flexi desk;
the beneficiary’s visit to the UAE is required to open an account;
pre-approval is possible before the account opening process;
the bank uses checkbooks (no cards);
Business-banking in English, used only for balance tracking and payments;
Judicial Cooperation Agreement with Russia is signed; Double Taxation Agreement with Russia is signed; AML legislation is strictly observed
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Minimum requirements
1 280
Minimum balance, €
No restrictions
Transactions permitted per month
1 280
Initial deposit of funds, €
Deadline for the initial deposit, month
Minimum balance, €
Minimum account balance - 5,000 AED
Transactions permitted per month
There is no limit on the number of transfers for current accounts
Initial deposit of funds, €
The initial deposit is equal to the minimum account balance
Deadline for the initial deposit, month
To be entered when the account is opened
Minimum turnover, €/year
No restrictions on minimum revolutions
How fast payments are executed
Same day or next day
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Tariffs and services
Outcoming transfer, €
Incoming transfer, €
Account maintenance, €/year
Payment limit for credit cards, €/day
Distant access to the account
There is a Business-banking system in English, which is used only for balance tracking and payments. Outgoing transactions are made by filling out a special form and sending it by e-mail or visiting a bank branch in person
Financial products
The Bank provides a wide range of banking and financial services
Credit/debit cards
Checkbooks (without cards)
Account opening procedure
Days to open for incoming transfers
Case by case
Days to open for outcoming transfers
Case by case
Not necessary
Purpose of the account
Savings & current
Visit to the bank
A visit by the beneficiary to the UAE is required to open an account
- Set of constituent documents of the company + establishment card;
- Official letter - request for account opening on company letterhead with signature and seal;
- Copies of passport, visa, ID of shareholders + photo of signatory;
- NOC / Confirmation letter from the Free zone (if FEZ issues such);
- Company seal;
- VAT Certificate registration or Letter of Undertaking on company letterhead;
- Additionally AECB Report (Report of Al Etihad Credit Bureau With Score) - Credit Report Summary is required
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