Outcoming transfer, €
Fee for outcoming transfer in EUR is:
- 0,10%-0,15% for the amount up to EUR 50 000;
- 0,15%-0,20% for the amount from EUR 50 000.
Fee for transfer in other currencies is 0,15%-0,20%
Incoming transfer, €
Commission for incoming payments in EUR is:
- EUR 0 for the amount up to EUR 2 000;
- EUR 2 for the amount from EUR 2 000 to EUR 5 000;
- EUR 10 for the amount from EUR 5 000 to EUR 50 000;
- EUR 50 for the amount from EUR 50 000.
The fee for incoming payments in other currencies is:
- EUR 3 for the amount up to EUR 1 000;
- EUR 10 for the amount from EUR 1 000 to EUR 5 000;
- EUR 15 for the amount from EUR 5 000 to EUR 50 000;
- EUR 35 for the amount from EUR 50 000
Account maintenance, €/year
Account maintenance fee is 20 EUR per month (corporate accounts). Account maintenance fee for non-residents (individuals) is 25 EUR per month
Payment limit for credit cards, €/day
No limit, but bank recommends to indicate EUR 10 000; debit cards – daily limit from EUR 1 000 to EUR 20 000 (Visa Platinum)
Funds to be blocked for CC issue, €
EUR 1 000 (debit cards); double cover of fixed payment limit (credit cards)
Distant access to the account
Internet banking (digipass or SMS), fax
Financial products
Personal banking, corporate and commercial banking, professional investment, wealth management services, banking services of deposits and loans
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