Located in southeastern Europe, in the central part of the Balkan Peninsula, is landlocked
Total area
88 499 sq. km.
6 926 705 (2020)
National currency
Serbian Dinar
Conditional reduction of currency
Climate, average max and min t°
Moderate continental climate
Time difference from Moscow
- 1 hour
Ethnic groups
Serbs are the largest ethnic group (83%), followed by Hungarians (3.9%), others are Bosnians, Roma, Albanians, Bulgarians, Montenegrins, Macedonians, Slovaks, Ruthenians, Vlachs, Romanians
Literacy rate
98,5 (2019)
Government type
Parliamentary republic
Executive branch
President, Government (20 members) headed by the Prime Minister
Legislative branch
Parliament - People's Assembly (250 deputies)
Judicial branch
Courts of the republican level: Constitutional Court, Supreme Court of Cassation, Arbitration Court of Appeal, etc. Courts of general jurisdiction: main courts, higher courts, courts of appeal, Supreme Court of Cassation
GDP per capita rank
76 (2020)
Corruption perceptions index rank
38 (2021)