Company Registration in Turkey - Business Starting & Setup

Want to set up a firm in Turkey? We can assist you in starting a business or in buying a shelf company in Turkey with a full package of necessary documents, legal advice and follow-up support. Incorporation of a firm in Turkey includes provision of a registered office (for at least 1 year in any of our service plans), an apostilled set of constitutional documents, secretarial services and assistance with compliance fee and pre-approval for opening an account in banks of Turkey. The total price of company formation in Turkey includes all necessary fees and charges for the first year of operation, as well as full one-year nominee service (package Optimum).

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Service packages Legislation Tax System Audit Services
Service packages
Company registration
Legal address per year
Secretarial services for the first year
Fees and duties for the first year
Apostilled bound set of incorporation documents
Nominee service per year
Bank Account Pre-approval
6 900 USD

6 900 USD

7 510 USD

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Legal System

Turkey has a civil law system, which has been wholly integrated with the continental European system. For instance, the Turkish civil law system has been modified by incorporating elements mainly of the Swiss Civil Code, the Code of Obligations and the German Commercial Code. The administrative law bears similarities with the French Counterpart and the penal code with the Italian Counterpart.

Types of Entity in Turkey

The principal forms of business organization in Turkey are:

  • Sole Proprietorship;
  • Partnership;
  • Limited Liability Company;
  • Joint-stock Company;
  • Commandite Company;
  • Cooperative.

The most common structure is the Limited Liability Company.


Company Name

Every LLC in Turkey must have a name. The requirements for the company name are as follows:

The company name must be distinct from the names of all other companies.

It shall contain a company type as a suffix.

In case the trade name contains the name and last name of an individual, the phrasing that indicates the company type cannot be abbreviated or displayed in symbols.

It shall contain wording to indicate the business activity of the company.

The company name cannot contain the words such as Turkey or Turkish (only allowed with special permission).

The presence of foreign words in the trade name of a company is permitted unless such words do not contradict the law, national and the cultural and historical heritage of Turkey and where the name or brand promoting the goods or services constituting the business activity is in a foreign language or the investment is made by foreign shareholders.

Procedure of a company incorporation in Turkey

To incorporate a Turkish company, the following steps are required:

1. Check the company name (see above for company name requirements).

2. Enter Turkey.

3. Get a Turkish identification number - TIN. TIN also can be received remotely - after visiting Turkey.

4. Put at least 25% of the initial capital in a bank and get the appropriate confirmation.

According to Articles 585 and 344 of the new Turkish Commercial Code, 25% of the share capital must be paid in prior to the new company registration. The remaining 75% of the subscribed share capital must be paid within 2 years.

Alternatively, the capital can be fully paid prior to registration.

Payment can be made from the founder's account or in cash directly to the bank.

5. Translate and notarize the company documents (the list of necessary documents varies, so you should check it with the consultant).

Company registration documents are exempt from stamp duty - no fee is charged on the Memorandum of Association and Signature Declarations. However, there are fees for notary services and securities.

6. Issue a power of attorney to a representative for registration actions.

7. Sign the company office lease agreement.

8. Apply for registration at the Trade Register.

Following the completion of the registration phase before the Commercial Registry, the Commercial Registry notifies the relevant tax office and the Social Security Administration ex-officio regarding the incorporation of the company. The Commercial Registry arranges for an announcement in the Commercial Registry Gazette within approximately 10 days as of the company registration.

A tax registration certificate must be obtained from the local tax office soon after the Commercial Registry Office notifies the local tax office.

A social security number for the company must be obtained from the relevant Social Security Administration.

9. Sign a contract with a power of attorney for book-keeping of the company.

The procedure for incorporation takes less than 3-4 weeks.

After receiving the company registration documents, you can start the procedure of opening an account in a Turkish bank. This requires a personal visit to the bank by the director of the company.

Field of Activity

The company can be active in any business even if it is not stated at its Articles of Association. Unless active in regulated areas where licensing is required (such as banking, telecommunication, energy etc.) the company can carry out any commercial or industrial activity.

Local Registered Office

Every Turkish LLC must have a registered office within Turkey.


Although there is no legal requirement (use of company title above the signature is sufficient) rubber company stamps are always used to signify the company name to be placed under the representing signatures once the signature circular is issued. Stamps are not issued officially and can be prepared by stationary offices in return of TRL 10.


The redomiciliation of companies to or from Turkey is permitted.

Company structure


A Turkish limited liability company must have at least one director. One of the founders of the company shall become a director at the same time.

The director can be either legal entity or individual

The first director is appointed by the founder.

There are no residency requirements.

Director of the company is responsible to the state for the debts of the company.

For director who is a foreign citizen, it is mandatory to have a local work visa. The company must employ at least 5 residents of Turkey (one foreigner) to apply for such a visa. If the company fails to comply with this obligation, penalties may be imposed on the company (up to compulsory removal of such company from the Commercial Register).


Corporate Secretary is not required.


A Turkish limited liability company should have at least one founder and not more than 50 in total.

The founder can be non-resident companies or foreigner individuals.

Foreign investors are permitted to own 100% of the company.

There are no residency requirements for the founders.

The liability of the founders is limited to the amount of capital. However, the shareholders (subject to capital contribution ratio) and the management are also liable for amounts owed by the company to government authorities with their own assets for taxes, duties and charges that cannot be collected from the Company (such as taxes, administrative fines and social security premiums).

Information about the founders is kept in the Commercial Registry in the public domain.

It is required to hold a founders general assembly meeting for closure of previous year's accounts once every year.


In Turkey beneficiaries’ details do appear on a public profile.

In August 2021 the Turkish Tax Authority introduced the obligation for legal entities registered in the country to file a declaration of ultimate beneficiaries (owners).

The new requirement for annual declaration of information on ultimate beneficial ownership is related to bringing the country's domestic legislation in line with international standards (OECD).

Corporate taxpayers and other organizations without legal status registered in Turkey as of August 1, 2021 are required to regularly submit information on their beneficiaries to the State Tax Administration.

The following information shall be filed:

  • Taxpayer Identification Number in Turkey.
  • The name of the beneficiary.
  • Full name of the beneficiary's mother and father.
  • Country of citizenship.
  • Second citizenship.
  • Nationality.
  • Date and place of birth.
  • Address of residence, zip code, email, contact phone number.
  • Identity card number, country of issue.
  • Company name.
  • Reason for being considered a beneficiary (percentage share in the company, type of shareholder).
  • Occupation information.

Share Capital and Shares

The minimum capital requirement for LTD companies is TRL 10 000.

25% of capital shall be paid into the company accounts (temporary accounts to be established before Chamber of Commerce filing for incorporation) at commencement (which can be freely used for expenses of the company following establishment) and the remaining could be paid in to the company in 24 months.

If a company has decided to obtain work visas for foreign nationals, the authorized capital of such company must be not less than 100 000 TRY.

If the founder of the company applies for a visa (work permit), his share in the Authorized Capital of such company must be at least 20%, but not less than 40 000 TRY.

Shares with no par and bearer shares are not permitted.

Frequently Asked Questions about Company Registration in Turkey

How much does it cost to register a company in Turkey?
The cost of opening a company in Turkey depends on the type of company to be registered and the type of activity you will be engaged in. The minimum package of services costs USD 6900 and includes: registration of the company on a turnkey basis, lease of the registered office for a year and secretarial services, payment of all necessary duties and fees, as well as apostilled translation of the constituent documents.
Can a foreigner own a business in Turkey?
Yes, a foreigner can own a business in Turkey. Foreign nationals have the same rights and obligations as Turkish citizens with regards to starting and owning a business in the country. There are several types of business entities that a foreigner can establish in Turkey, including a limited liability company (LLC), joint stock company, branch office, and representative office. The process of starting a business in Turkey can be complex and time-consuming, and it is advisable to seek the advice of a professional or legal expert to ensure that all legal and regulatory requirements are met. It is also important to note that foreign ownership of land and certain types of businesses, such as those in the retail and tourism sectors, may be subject to restrictions or limitations in Turkey.
Is Turkey an offshore?
No, Turkey is not considered an offshore jurisdiction. Turkey has a relatively high corporate tax rate, which is currently 20%, and has a number of regulations in place to govern the operation of businesses and the behavior of foreign investors. While Turkey offers some incentives to foreign investors, such as tax exemptions and relaxed regulations for certain industries, it is not considered a tax haven or an offshore jurisdiction.
Do foreigners have to pay income tax in Turkey?
Yes, foreigners are required to pay income tax in Turkey if they earn income from sources within the country. The tax liability of foreigners in Turkey depends on their residency status and the type of income they earn. Foreigners who are considered resident in Turkey are subject to tax on their worldwide income, while non-resident foreigners are only taxed on their Turkish-sourced income. The Turkish tax system operates on a progressive tax scale, with tax rates ranging from 15% to 35% for individuals, and 20% for corporations. The specific tax rate that applies to a particular individual or corporation will depend on their income level and other factors.
How much is VAT in Turkey?
The value-added tax (VAT) rate in Turkey is 18%. VAT is a tax on the value added to goods and services at each stage of production and distribution. The VAT rate in Turkey applies to the sale of goods and services within the country, as well as to imports. Businesses in Turkey that are registered for VAT are required to charge VAT on their sales, and to collect and remit VAT on behalf of the government. VAT registered businesses can also claim back the VAT paid on their inputs, which helps to reduce the cost of doing business in the country.

Core Services and fees for the formation of a company in Turkey

— Incorporation

Price6 900 USD

including payment of fees to the Trade Registry and registered agent service

— Annual government fees


Stamp Duty and Trade Registry incorporation fee

— Corporate legal services

Price2 150 USD

including registered address and registered agent, NOT including Compliance fee

—Delivery of documents by courier mail

Price250 USD

DHL or TNT, at cost of a Courier Service

— Apostilled set of Statutory documents

Pricefrom 700 USD

Basic set of documents for setup of a company in Turkey

Business Activity Certificate

Extract from Trade Registry Gazette

Founders' Declaration

Resolution for Company Establishment

Director Signature Declaration

Compare Jurisdictions

    Compliance fee in Turkey

    Compliance fee is payable in the cases of: incorporation of a company, renewal of a company, liquidation of a company, transfer out of a company, issue of a power of attorney to a new attorney, change of director / shareholder / BO (except the change to a nominee director / shareholder), signing of documents


    Price350 USD

    simple company structure with only 1 physical person

    For legal entity in structure under GSL administration

    Price150 USD

    additional compliance fee for legal entity in structure under GSL administration (per 1 entity)

    For legal entity in structure not under GSL administration

    Price200 USD

    additional compliance fee for legal entity in structure NOT under GSL administration (per 1 entity)

    For client with high risk Status

    Price450 USD

    Signing of documents

    Price100 USD

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