Outcoming transfer, €
CHF 8 for payments made via internet banking and CHF 20 for payments made through a bank’s officer. Plus correspondent bank fees
Incoming transfer, €
The bank does not charge any fees on incoming transfers
Account maintenance, €/year
Maintenance fee for the main account, for example in EUR, is free of charge. Maintenance fee for any additional subaccount, for example in USD, is CHF 60 per year and is debited from the account quarterly (i.e. CHF 15 per quarter)
Payment limit for credit cards, €/day
The minimum monthly credit card limit can be any amount, but not less than CHF 10 000. The client can either spend it in one go making purchases or ‘spread’ it over the entire month. However, the issuing bank sets a CHF 1 000 limit on ATM withdrawals
Funds to be blocked for CC issue, €
The balance of account should always be twice as large as the monthly card limit, i.e., for the payment limit of CHF 10 000 the amount blocked in the account will be CHF 20 000, plus the money to be spent
Distant access to the account
The account can be operated online via a programme provided to the client on a CD or downloadable from the bank’s official website. For protection of payments the bank uses a three-level security system, including the Digipass with individual code card that generates passwords
Financial products
Trading accounts, deposits, loans, credit line, financial banking products
Credit/debit cards
Visa, Master Card, American Express. The mandatory condition for applying for a credit card is the balance of account of at least CHF 100 000, or an equivalent in another currency
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