Образование / Опыт работы

Иностранные языки


Профессиональная деятельность


Belgian Customs official since December 1976;

- Now: Belgian Customs attache in Moscow, for the Russian Federation since

1st August 2009 and for Belarus since 21st December 2010;

- Before: Head of Single Customs Office of Belgian Customs, Program Manager

realization and operationalization of new customs declaration and

collection processes, Internal Advisor for the reorganization and business

process re-engineering of Belgian Customs Services, Internal Auditor,

compliance audits at premises of exporters for agriculture policy subsidy

claims, Collector, Internal Trainer, Inspector;

- Project at European Union level: Project leader for the creation “Economic

Operator Registration and Identification” (EORI) process of European

Union, co-author of member of the core working group that delivered the

working paper for “Automated Import System” (AIS) of the European Union

Пол Раас

Пол Раас

Belgian Customs attache in Moscow

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